
Monthly Archives: November 2015


By Bob Buford I have worked hard to be apolitical for years and intend to stay that way.  Who knows how the 2016 presidential election will turn out-we are down to 14 candidates (per www.gop.com) on one side and two on the other.  I had a 2005 interaction with one of the candidates and met another just last week.  Here is the recounting of the conversation and a little about an encounter I had last week. This is not an endorsement – just interesting conversations. In 2005 I was on

TWO TIMELY CONVERSATIONS2015-11-20T10:50:04+08:00

Business, Faith and the Second Half – Part 2

CLICK HERE to read Part 1 God Lives with the Poor When I began searching for what God wanted of me, I received some unsettling counsel from a Rwandan bishop: “Our country needs jobs and a vibrant economy or our best and brightest will leave. You’re a businessman. You’ve spent your whole life buying, financing, building and selling businesses. Why don’t you spend the rest of your life building businesses in Rwanda?” Having never been to Africa, I was intimidated by the challenge but curious about what kind of business

Business, Faith and the Second Half – Part 22015-11-19T15:21:26+08:00

This Is My Halftime Story: Lee DeRemer

Why would a man with a PhD in leadership and a 30-year history of teaching leaders and mentoring others, seek the help of the Halftime Institute? Lee DeRemer is that man, and his story offers much insight into the vital role Halftime can play in the life of anyone who needs guidance on the journey from “success to significance.” Lee retired from the US Air Force in 2010, and almost immediately faced a fork in the road of his life. “I had a false start...I accepted a comfortable position

This Is My Halftime Story: Lee DeRemer2018-01-04T22:13:37+08:00
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