
Monthly Archives: August 2016

This is My Halftime Story: Sandy Duckett

Sandy Duckett believes in the importance of a good and affordable education. So much, in fact, that she left her own job in higher education in order to make it possible for more people. Halftime Launch Event An entrepreneur at heart, Sandy started her first business at 22. She went on to work in economic development before moving into higher education, becoming COO and Vice President of Advancement for a college foundation. In 2009, she started her doctoral studies and in 2010 turned down a college presidency.

This is My Halftime Story: Sandy Duckett2017-07-20T11:02:37+08:00

The Significance of a Simple Conversation

Fred Clark enjoyed professional success in his career as lawyer and founding partner of a D.C. based government relations firm.  Although his exposure to the idea of “Halftime” started years before, in 2013 Fred made the decision to more fully explore a growing sense of spiritual discontent and the possibility God might have something more for him to experience beyond his professional titles and accomplishments. After Fred transitioned from the focused and more structured part of his professional life, he spent the next 18 months traveling around the world,

The Significance of a Simple Conversation2017-07-20T11:06:25+08:00
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