
Monthly Archives: October 2016

What will you be remembered for? (The Joy Model Series, Part 2)

One spring break, my wife, Michelle, and I took the kids to Disney World. My mom and dad were with us, and we ran into a guy who had played football for my dad. My dad was a high school football coach in Massachusetts for more than thirty years. This former player, ten to twelve years older than I, was with his extended family on vacation too. So there we were, a gaggle of New Englanders all from the same small town unexpectedly bumping into each other and reminiscing.

What will you be remembered for? (The Joy Model Series, Part 2)2017-07-20T10:51:11+08:00

Why know your second half calling? (Joy Model Series, Part 1)

“But why do you want to know your second half calling?” It’s a question I’ve been asking – in so many words-- the past 4-5 years as I help men and women figure out their next season of life, their second half calling. The impetus for asking it came from an ongoing conversation I was having with Paul McGinnis, who is currently a certified Halftime coach and the COO of the Halftime Institute. At the time, he was enrolled at the Halftime Institute and I was coaching him. You

Why know your second half calling? (Joy Model Series, Part 1)2017-07-20T10:52:41+08:00
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