
Monthly Archives: January 2017

Alumni Spotlight: Bob Doll shares “There is more. Let me tell you what the ‘more’ is…”

Here at the Halftime Institute, we’re proud of the caliber of men and women who make up our alumni and humbled by the way we see God using them to transform the world. We love to share their stories as a means of encouragement and inspiration for other Halftime Alumni as well as prospective Halftime Insitutue clients. Let the story of Halftime Alum, Bob Doll, remind each of us that the skills and wisdom that were honed in our first half can be applied in ways that transform individuals

Alumni Spotlight: Bob Doll shares “There is more. Let me tell you what the ‘more’ is…”2017-07-20T10:38:16+08:00

3 Ways to Create Better New Years Resolutions

Excerpted from Bob Karcher's author blog Who Are the Joneses Anyway? I can’t imagine a person becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.” — Walter Cronkite Resolutions. Goals. Objectives. We call them many things but this time of year we most commonly hear the term “resolution” when we make a decision to do something in the coming year. You’ve been there. It’s New Year’s Eve and you feel like you must declare to yourself and the world at least one big thing you’ll commit to

3 Ways to Create Better New Years Resolutions2017-07-20T10:40:38+08:00
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