
Monthly Archives: March 2017

  • Laptop and Glasses

What Lies Beyond the Corner Office?: Discover What Makes You Tick

We’ve all heard the story of David and Goliath. David was an afterthought in everyone’s mind when he showed up with his slingshot and his five smooth stones. What happened next has lived on in legend for many centuries and will continue to live on for many reasons. I think one of those is the powerful question that David asked of his brothers and those who stood nearby, cowering in Goliath’s shadow and presence: Is there not a cause? Notice that David didn’t ask to see a battle plan

What Lies Beyond the Corner Office?: Discover What Makes You Tick2017-07-20T09:56:20+08:00
  • Vince Leone Feature

New Video – Alum Vince Leone: Veterans Gain New Hope and Purpose

Vince Leone knew from childhood that he wanted to be a soldier. He spent eight years in the U.S. Army, and that season of Vince's life has shaped the man he is today. The structure, training, and guidance he received allowed him to discover and live into his innate creativity, finding innovative solutions to strategic challenges. Vince served as a commanding officer in the Gulf War, and that experience has shaped his leadership and character - and his second half mission. Shortly after he returned from the desert,

New Video – Alum Vince Leone: Veterans Gain New Hope and Purpose2017-08-10T05:15:13+08:00

Are You Doing the Work That Suits You Best?

What would it look like to truly align our strengths, passions, and capacity with our day-to-day work and life? If all the latest research is correct, most of us are sleepwalking through life, doing work that doesn’t suit us at all, but brings a paycheck. For many years, The Gallup Organization has asked a simple, but powerful question: True or False?: At work, I get to do what I do best every day. Sadly, only one person in five — just twenty percent of us — answer ‘true’ to

Are You Doing the Work That Suits You Best?2017-07-20T10:09:14+08:00

Video: Halftime Alum John Leffin’s Story of Struggle and Ultimate Impact

Halftime Alum, John Leffin, was a Partner for global consulting firm, Accenture. Then, right at the peak of his success, he hit the season of halftime and began wrestling with the question, "Is this all there is?" in his desire to make a greater impact on the world. We celebrate the work God has done in John's life, and the lives of so many as a result of John's second half journey. John's work with Mission of Hope Haiti is making a powerful impact on some of the

Video: Halftime Alum John Leffin’s Story of Struggle and Ultimate Impact2017-08-10T05:00:40+08:00

What is Keeping You From Truly Living?

“The Western world is awash with plenty. People living in those countries have more choices in the cereal aisle of their local grocery store than most people have in their entire lives. But has [this] created contentment and fulfillment?” – Gary A. Miller, PhD In 1913, Arthur “Pop” Momand highlighted the side effects of the American Dream that urges us to do things in order to impress other people and create a sense of social standing. His cartoon strip, Keeping Up with the Joneses, followed the McGinis family as

What is Keeping You From Truly Living?2017-07-20T10:20:23+08:00
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