
Monthly Archives: July 2017

What is Your Success Costing You?

Everyone knows that to be successful we have to make some sacrifices. Great athletes spend a lot of time in the gym and doing roadwork and preparing both mentally and physically. Great musicians we admire write, perform, and practice endlessly to get it right. Business leaders educate themselves and work tirelessly to be their best. There is nothing wrong with all of this striving as long as it is all in line with what really matters most to us. But oftentimes, that is not the case. I meet

What is Your Success Costing You?2018-04-05T12:48:14+08:00

HT Fellow Mark Barfield Responds in Widowed Mom’s Time of Need

“You don’t always have to search for what God wants you to do. Sometimes, it’s right in front of you.” Mark Barfield’s Halftime journey began shortly after retiring from RadioShack Corporation. Mark had a desire to create low-income housing opportunities in the Fort Worth area, but his initial housing endeavor resulted in a “false start.” Then, Mark’s new part-time CFO position temporarily turned into a full-time occupation. As a result, Mark “turned his dreamer back off” – until the day he received an email from Cornerstone Assistance Network (CAN)***

HT Fellow Mark Barfield Responds in Widowed Mom’s Time of Need2017-08-10T18:24:31+08:00

Thirty Bonus Years: What Will You Do With Them?

We’ve been given a great gift: More time on this planet than our forefathers. Lots more time. On average we’ll live thirty years longer. The big question is: What will we do with this tremendous gift of time we’ve been given? At the turn of the 20th Century, the average life span for men and women was around 50 years.  For many of those men and women, that half century was grueling: hard physical labor was the common experience and there was very little concept of “retirement.” Life was

Thirty Bonus Years: What Will You Do With Them?2017-07-28T10:59:46+08:00

How to Trade Up When Going Through a Major Career Change

Change is bound to happen to each of us at one time or another. High flying and fast moving careers are no exception. Perhaps you are dealing with a major career shift. Your company or role is being downsized or maybe you’ve decided on your own that some kind of change is necessary. It’s important to remember that even if everything changes for you, it’s not the end of everything. It seems kind of counterintuitive to say, but it could be the greatest day of your life. Here’s

How to Trade Up When Going Through a Major Career Change2017-07-17T11:47:54+08:00
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