
Monthly Archives: September 2017

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 2

I am always amazed at what happens when trouble shows up in a community, how people pull together and you see how many good folks there are out there that will never be on the evening news for their charitable works, but are as important as a President in the moment. When hurricane Harvey struck south Texas and began its slow crawl across the land, people began almost immediately doing remarkable things to help each other. And, as usual there were throngs of businesspeople who stepped into the gap

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 22017-10-03T15:15:27+08:00

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 1

If we are going to figure out how to finish well, we have to decide what we truly believe about money and things. Thankfully, Jesus gave us a blueprint to follow, and I am here to tell you it works. Should we be surprised by that? His blueprint is also countercultural and pushes back hard against almost everything you and I see and hear every day about how much is enough. So, let’s check in to Matthew 6:24, where Jesus begins to lay out a beautiful and air tight

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 12017-09-19T13:42:04+08:00

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well

At the Halftime Institute we care more about how you’re doing 30 years from now, than 30 months from now. A few years back we created a 2-day experience for business leaders around the topic of "finishing your life well." We did it for several years in partnership with Jim Collins, the author of books like Good to Great -- about great leaders and great companies. After more than 25 years studying how great leaders help companies become great, Jim is also interested in why many of those great

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well2017-09-13T14:30:56+08:00

How To Have A More Focused Life

After more than a dozen years of coaching people through the Halftime Institute, I see a trend, an obvious and recurring barrier to a life of joy, impact and balance: a lack of focus. The truth is, we all struggle with focus on a daily basis. It’s not a stretch to say that there are more available distractions in our lives now than ever. Did you know that the average knowledge worker in the U.S. is interrupted every 11 minutes by some form of communication or another? In this

How To Have A More Focused Life2017-09-12T10:30:56+08:00

HT Alum JT Olson Making an Impact in the Lives of Orphans and Widows

“You have to live like there’s a God. God is wanting us to do something that requires His help. Let’s do something that’s only going to work if God does it.” Halftime Alum JT Olson is clear on what matters to him at his core - making an impact. After spending even ten seconds with JT, his energy, excitement, encouragement, and inspiration are sure to rub off on you. In his second half, JT is channeling his infectious energy and all his time into making an impact on

HT Alum JT Olson Making an Impact in the Lives of Orphans and Widows2017-12-05T15:09:04+08:00
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