
Monthly Archives: October 2019

Feeling Unsettled? 3 First Steps to Figuring Out What’s Next

What do you do when you’ve solved complex problems your whole career, yet you get to a point where you can’t put together the puzzle pieces of your own future path? It is an unsettling place to be for sure. It happened to me, and it happens to most successful leaders in mid-life. You sense a shift of some sort is needed. You feel discontent and restless. But when you try to determine what your next move will be, you are uncertain and confused. Can you relate? Several years

Feeling Unsettled? 3 First Steps to Figuring Out What’s Next2019-10-25T09:56:22+08:00

Stepping into God’s Redemptive Story: HT Alum Barbara’s Live Interview

What does it look like to participate in the unique plan that God has for each of us? While she didn’t have all of the answers, Barbara did have the courage to take the next step in faith. We interviewed Barbara Foulkrod live this week during our Halftime Alumni Spotlight. Barbara shared her passion for the redemptive power of the Lord and how this passion manifested as a second half calling. Together, Barbara and her husband Allin walked through the season of halftime seeking clarity

Stepping into God’s Redemptive Story: HT Alum Barbara’s Live Interview2019-10-04T14:46:29+08:00
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