
Monthly Archives: October 2020

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: “Go Big or Go Home” Significance

By: Halftime Alum Jim Beckett, Founder and CEO of Beckett Interests Inc. “Go big or go home. Focus; don’t do dribs and drabs.” -Bob Buford (1939-2018) What are you going to do to gain significance? This was the question that Bob Buford posed to me when we first met thirty years ago. As an advocate for plural mentorship, I had previously identified seven highly respected men from whom I planned to seek wisdom.  Bob was the first name on my list

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: “Go Big or Go Home” Significance2020-10-29T10:52:00+08:00

Q&A: Transformative Influence

An Interview with Walt Rakowich, Author of Transfluence and Halftime Alum: Leaders confronting the current social and economic challenges could learn a lot from a CEO who survived the Great Recession of 2008 by transforming his company’s culture. Halftime alum Walt Rakowich is that CEO, and the lessons from his story are greatly applicable today. Walt was appointed CEO of global real estate company Prologis at the height of the Great Recession of 2008. At the time of his appointment, the company's stock had

Q&A: Transformative Influence2020-10-26T16:49:21+08:00
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