Last week we shared Part 1 of Halftime Alum Toby Kilgore’s story. After a Harvard MBA, Toby’s career in management consulting was thrilling but he came to realize his success was costing him his most treasured relationships. Toby entered a Halftime program with a  strong desire to re-align his life with his priorities and make a lasting and sustainable change.

So, where is Toby now?

Toby’s first question to solve in halftime was “How am I going to cultivate my relationships with God and my wife?” The initial task was reconnecting with God and revitalizing his relationship with Shellie. He knew his entire life would need some fundamental changes.

Toby found true peers who supported him in these wide-sweeping life changes. “There’s a comfort in knowing that I didn’t have to tackle this alone,” Toby says with a sigh of relief, “I’m not the only one making this kind of change.”

As he exited consulting, Toby didn’t know where he would land. He had faith that his departure from this line of work would sort itself out, but he didn’t know where he would focus his energy.

Two passions became clear through the halftime process:

  1. A desire to help alleviate poverty in developing countries.
  2. A desire to address spiritual needs.

Though he had traveled extensively and even lived internationally, Toby had never experienced a developing country. Low-cost probes opened his eyes to the complexity of the needs. He found a way to deploy his analytical and strategic skills to help leaders solve issues related to poverty alleviation.

In 2017, Toby joined Sinapis as COO. Sinapis is a Christian entrepreneurship program that helps entrepreneurs scale small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using MBA-level training and access to capital while also providing practical tools for these businesses to make disciples of Christ in the process. In its first 8 years, Sinapis has trained over 1,000 entrepreneurs across Kenya, Ghana, Brazil, and Uganda. Now, Toby is helping them plot out a growth plan for new markets.


Additionally, Toby is excited about creating opportunities for past and future halftimers to come alongside these entrepreneurial disciples as coaches and advisors. As Sinapis grows, it is targeting entrepreneurs from more developed businesses whose next level scaling challenges require greater advisory and capital support.

“We just finished some advisory work for an alum to support advancement of his vision to be the leading organic macadamia and cashew farm in Africa, while advancing livelihoods of smallholder farmers. And last week, I met with another alum whose innovative product will make home ownership possible for lower income individuals. Both companies have dedicated their business to Christ, and they intentionally strive to make a positive impact in the lives around them. Just as important, each of these entrepreneurs is teachable; they each desire coaching and mentoring.

We believe there is a tremendous opportunity to connect high caliber, seasoned Christian business leaders with these entrepreneurs in developing countries who are at a point in their growth where access to the broader experiences and market knowledge of people like halftimers makes a significant impact.”

What an incredible opportunity for halftimers to contribute by providing their wisdom and expertise in mentoring entrepreneurs!

Even with his new international role, Toby is approaching his work, family, and marriage entirely differently. “My life looks different now in how I relate to my wife and share with her. We’re not perfect, it’s an ongoing journey, but I’m focused on how I engage with my family. I carefully consider my time, and I include my family in new ways.” Toby’s role on the Board of Directors of Esperanza, microfinance ministry, didn’t have to mean more time away from his family. In fact, Toby took two of his kids with him to the Dominican Republic, to get first-hand exposure to other cultures and the daily challenges people face in a developing country.

“I used to ask, ‘Wasn’t I meant for something more than this?’, but I don’t have that question now. I know I’m not wasting my time because I’ve redefined my priorities.”

What About You?

Isn’t it amazing what God is able to do when we slow down and act in bold obedience to what He has for us! Toby’s obedience and faithfulness to leave what he knew to prioritize those he loved most hasn’t meant a smaller life. Rather, Toby now has a platform for impact in his home as well as one in his work. The dividends of his life are ultimately serving a better bottom line.

If you’re a Halftime Alum:

What part of Toby’s halftime journey do you identify with most?

How did your halftime journey help you refocus and re-prioritize?

What relationships have been restored or enriched as a result of going through the halftime process?

Not a Halftime Alum Yet?

If you’re reading this, and you’re not a halftime alum, consider joining the halftime family. Our Halftime Certified Coaches can guide you through a process that will truly transform your life and help you to have more joy, more impact, more balance, and ultimately grow closer to God and your family. The transformation isn’t immediate, but you can start it right away.

Enroll in the Halftime One on One Program to be paired with a coach.

Or enroll in the Halftime Fellows Program if you’re a C-suite-level leader looking for a cohort of like-minded peers in addition to a coach.

Fill out the contact form below, and we’ll be in touch.

