How do you live out a desire to serve those in need with the demands of a high-powered career?

It isn’t easy, and it looks different for every person. Dr. LeAnn Kridelbaugh made that transition over the past year, and she shared candidly with us this week what it has been like to live out her high-powered career alongside her passion to serve.

From Hospital Executive to Refugee Health Center

Dr. LeAnn Kridelbaugh describes her discovery of Halftime and the Fellows Program as a total “God thing”. When she joined the Fellows Program in October 2017, she knew she was nearing a need for change, but she wasn’t aware that it would thrust upon her due to funding cuts for the large group of pediatric practices where she served as President and Chief Medical Officer.

Dr. LeAnn Kridelbaugh’s new role after her Halftime transition ended up being very similar to her role beforehand – save for one big difference.

The big difference? The patient demographics. Her new role is at a Federally Qualified Health Center in one of the largest concentrations of refugees in the country, with over 38 languages spoken in the geographic area surrounding it. LeAnn is leading a team that is treating some conditions that most physicians only see in the developing world. She likes to say “the mission field came to me”, and shares how God brought together a desire to care for the least of these with her lifelong passion of pediatric medicine.

During the live interview LeAnn shared:

“I was restless after my position got eliminated and I wasn’t sure what was next. I wanted to do something significant. Going through a Halftime program confirmed for me that I was close to where I needed to be. It brought peace. I remember when I started the Fellows Program, we wrote out our mission statements during our Launch Event. I wrote down to ‘meet the physical needs of people, of families in poverty, in order to earn the right to share the love of Jesus with them.’ It still fits today. It was affirming that the work that I was doing was significant and was where God was calling me to be.”

Finding her current role and figuring out the finer details of relocating to a new city hasn’t been all smooth sailing. But LeAnn has a deep sense of peace and conviction that she is in the right place. She is focused on being a light in her secular healthcare setting and has practical ways of living that out.

Click below to watch the recording of our live interview with LeAnn and gain insights from her experience, wisdom, and inspiring Halftime journey!

In addition to our live interview with LeAnn, we captured 5 Fast Facts about her to encourage and equip you on your journey.

5 Fast Facts

1. What book has had the greatest impact on your life?

The Bible. John 15 has been a thematic chapter as I went through Halftime. When we were doing our Launch Event, a devotional I read each day was on John 15 and abiding in Christ. We abide to produce fruit. Then I went to the Launch Event an hour later and the devotional was on John 15. 

2. If you could spend an hour with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be?

Probably C.S. Lewis. I love his writings, and I recently read a fictional biography of his romance with his wife. Now that I’ve heard that story, it made him seem much more human and messy like the rest of us. I find his writings and his depth of thought fascinating.

3.Where is your “happy place”?

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. My husband and I love to spend our vacations together there. 

4. What aspect of the halftime journey has been most transformational for you and why?

I really enjoyed the sessions with my Coach, Carolyn. She has been a great sounding board, and so has my cohort in the Fellows Program. We had a smaller cohort, so we became very close. They were a safe place to process all the changes going on and get valuable feedback. 

5. What has been the most beneficial spiritual practice in your life?

Keeping a daily morning devotional time that is Scripture-focused. It amazes me how what I’m reading will be directly related to what happens in my day. 

If you listened to LeAnn’s story and you’re wanting to move forward on your next season, we are here for you.

If you’re wanting to

  • Define your calling
  • Build more margin for your areas of passion
  • Include your spouse in the journey
  • Make more traction on the Kingdom impact you want to see

…we’d love to help. That’s why we exist – to come alongside men and women in mid-life and allow them to get clear, get free, and get going on what God is calling them to. We’ve honed our tools and our coaching model over the past 20 years so that it can help you gain traction and avoid costly mistakes that could deter you.

We’d love to help you find the best Halftime program for you and help you to live a 10 out of 10 abundant life of impact like LeAnn.

Contact our admissions team today by filling out the form on this page.
