This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis.

From local charities and churches to the world’s largest non-governmental organizations (NGOs), most – if not all – nonprofits are struggling today as a result of the current crisis. Reduced funding, work-from-home restrictions, and workforce limitations put significant pressure on their ability to stay mission focused: serving others to meet various needs.
As one of the world’s largest NGOs, World Vision finds itself fighting the same battles many of us are facing as leaders today – but on a global scale
World Vision serves the poorest of the poor. The people in the countries they serve frequently face overwhelming economic, medical, political, and social meltdown. Halftime Alum and President of World Vision, Edgar Sandoval, and his team are working around the clock to stay mission focused and find creative ways to continue serving people, despite the challenges.

CLICK HERE to watch or listen to the recording of our conversation.

Edgar recently joined Lloyd Reeb and Doug Piper to discuss how to stay mission focused, both personally and organizationally, with practical tools for prioritizing what matters most during these unique times.

During our time together we discussed the leadership strategies that World Vision is implementing to navigate this crisis in the U.S. and around the world. 

At the outset of the crisis, Edgar listened to what his senior leaders were seeing and started sketching a framework for response. He drew three interlocking circles representing the priorities below:

     1. Protection and safety

     2. Community and belonging

     3. A sense of God’s purpose for each one of our lives

As an organization, they resolved to restore these three areas. Otherwise, the enemy would seize the opportunity to instill the opposite: fear, loneliness through isolation, and aimlessness resulting in unproductive days. 

Surrounding the interlocking circles were the words prayer, kindness, and a bias towards action. With these three strategies, World Vision is fighting the enemy’s destructive forces in order to support their staff, donors, and beneficiaries around the world. 

From transitioning in-person donor events online to leveraging technology for daily devotionals, virtual chapels, and prayer meetings, Edgar and his team are leaning into a mission of reaching out to the world’s most vulnerable people with help and the hope of Jesus.

As leaders, we must remember we have been selected by God to be in the roles we are in today. Trust that the Lord has given you all you need to lead. Draw on your toolbox of life experiences and previous adversities. Trust your instincts and your team’s judgment. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s whispers.

“While we may be tired and the days may run together, we are not done. We have a job to do and we can follow Jesus’ example as an inspiration. Now is not the time to rest. This is our time.”

World Vision has 13 strategic locations in the U.S. where they are partnering with local churches and school districts to provide family emergency kits containing food and hygiene items.

Globally, they are responding everywhere they work with an aim to reach 22 million people including 11 million children through the following strategies:

PROTECT by distributing equipment and mobilizing an army of over 240,000 community healthcare workers

PROVIDE by caring for children who were already vulnerable with food, care packets, and financial resources.  

PREVENT by helping families and communities slow the spread of the virus by implementing world class clean water and sanitation programs

Interested in partnering with this mission? Here’s how you can help…

Pray: Pray for the health and protection of those most vulnerable during these difficult times. Ask the Lord to provide discernment for the leaders of World Vision as they make decisions.

Give: Consider making a contribution by clicking here to learn more. 

“God’s gifts to us are to be given to others through service.”

As Edgar reminded us, “strengths are for service, not status”. If you’re not sure exactly what your strengths are, or how to maximize them, we’d love to help you explore that with a Halftime CertifiedTM Coach. Learn how One on One Coaching can help equip you for impact.


For a limited time, we’re offering 3 sessions of Coaching at a significantly reduced rate. We want to walk alongside you as you navigate this current, unique season and consider what God has in store for you in the days ahead.

CLICK HERE to learn more about this special offering.


Edgar has an unstoppable passion to see that every child – especially the most vulnerable – has the opportunity to experience Christ’s promise of life in all its fullness.

Born in Los Angeles, Sandoval grew up in Central and South America, where he first witnessed poverty. His own experience with hardship came at age 18, when he returned alone to the U.S. with only $50 in his pocket. He worked minimum-wage jobs while pursuing his college education, eventually earning bachelor’s degrees in industrial engineering and sociology from Rutgers University and an MBA from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.

Edgar was recruited by General Electric and later by P&G, where he learned from some of the world’s best practitioners how to lead, collaborate, innovate, and grow large and complex businesses over a 20-year career.

Edgar came to World Vision in 2015. As Chief Operating Officer for three years, he directed fundraising programs that generated over $1 billion, strengthened the organizational brand, and promoted workforce diversity.As President and CEO since Oct. 2018, his highest imperative is to strengthen how the organization bears witness to the Good News of Christ, in alignment with World Vision’s mission statement.

Edgar cherishes faith and family above career achievements. Edgar and his wife, Leiza, live in Black Diamond, Washington, with their four children: Edgar Jr., Andrea, Natalia, and Cristina. Having two daughters with special needs has instilled deep empathy in Edgar for vulnerable children. Now, all the world’s most vulnerable children are his chief concern.  
