In the previous article, we defined the term ‘trigger for transformation’: the unanticipated challenges that serve as inciting incidents, setting our stories in motion. These times of transition often catalyze us to embark on a journey toward greater impact.

However, this journey can feel aimless or overwhelming if we don’t have a clear vision of where we are headed. Instead, we each need a target for transformation which we direct our energy and efforts toward.

Habit 2 from Stephen R. Covey’s best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, is “begin with the end in mind.” In short, this Habit emphasizes the importance of taking time to determine your desired destination and intentionally identify if the direction you are headed will get you where you want to go. At Halftime, we help Halftimers implement this strategy by crafting a Personal Mission Statement. Putting words to our purpose and developing a plan for execution is an essential part of the Halftime process.

It can be tempting to envision our personal mission as a goal that we have to muster our own strength to achieve. However, scripture presents an illuminating paradigm shift:

8For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:8-10

In Ephesians 2, we learn that God has prepared in advance good works for each of us to walk in. Not only does our purpose come from God, He also provides the power to live out these personal missions. In the Halftime vocabulary, we call these unique, individual missions our Ephesians 2:10 Calling.

It is paramount to remember that we are saved by grace for these good works, not by the works themselves or through any amount of striving! This good news takes the pressure off. We are freed from finding our worth in accolades or applause.

In other words…

Graphic created by Equip + Empower, a podcast with Christine Caine

Further, we are freed from comparing our unique callings to the callings of the people around us. We can rest in the intentional nature of God’s perfect design. After all, it is God who gets the glory from our good works. If both salvation and success come from God, surely He alone is the right recipient of any praise that comes our way!

In order to help you unearth and embark on your own Ephesians 2:10 Calling, we’ve created a short resource for reflection:


Halftime Alum, Keith H. recently reflected on the first day of his Fellows Program journey. Standing in front of a blank whiteboard at his Cohort’s Launch Event, he scribbled down his vision for fully living out his Ephesians 2:10 Calling. Years later and by the grace of God, all of the goals he originally identified have come to fruition…

  • He’s coaching in a faith-based organization, The WorkFaith Connection, founded in part by fellow Halftimers, Terry Looper and Mike Zafirovski.
  • He’s serving kids who are aging out of the foster system through Hope’s Path.
  • He’s championing his spouse as she makes her dreams come true operating her own hospice care business, Katy Hospice.
  • Plus, he just started working toward earning his Master of Divinity from Houston Baptist University.

Here’s what Keith shared on the impact of his experience with Halftime:

“I get energy from the other Christian leaders in my Cohort, plus I could feel God’s presence when we were together.”

While we don’t claim to have any magic bullet for life transformation at Halftime, we are continually amazed by what God does in and through Halftimers when we aim for His target of success instead of our own.

We are here to help, no matter where you are on the journey…

  • Just getting started?

Connecting with a group of like-minded peers and a Halftime Certified™ Coach to identify and create a custom, holistic plan for living our your Ephesians 2:10 Calling may be a great place to begin.

  • In the messy middle?

Learn how our programs can help you stay on track and provide extra support as you live out your Ephesians 2:10 Calling in this season.

  • Need prayer?

Our team would love to come alongside you in this way. We meet weekly to pray for the specific needs of the halftime family. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with prayer requests.

At Halftime we are a global fellowship of friends composed of diverse leaders who are actively pursuing impact. Our desire to leverage our influence for God’s purposes is the common thread that unites us, and with this shared value comes a shared vocabulary. Like any friends, we have developed a distinct language of terms, tools, and tips unique to our community. We want to bring you into the loop on our lingo and connect you to the Halftime-isms that you’ll likely hear as we journey together toward impact. Join us throughout the year as we define and apply the language and resources that lead to life transformation.
