By Jeff Spadafora


An ordinary Tuesday.

Launched with the Word.

Skimming really. Mechanical.

A little shallow today. Hmm.

Time to move on.
Things to do.
Hustle and muscle.
Create and collaborate.

Despite the Christian labels
Not much different from my B.C. days
Old habits that used to serve well
Now taking a toll on my heart

Sure the kingdom grows.
And people are blessed.
Truth is revealed.
But my pace and performance power it.

Why this march?  Why this effort?
Why do I forget trust and lock onto results?
Irritated with this path of striving.
The old man is slow to die.

Time to reframe the end game.
How many times have I done this?
Each time my purpose becomes some sort of contest
Forget the goals. Remember the Companion.

Work and walk with peace.
You know the joy is in the journey.
Go with Him… not toward Him or for Him.
Trade out your hurry and remember to stroll.
