

Webinar: Using Your Platform for Good in Crisis (Part One)

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. During a health pandemic in Rome — when it was unprecedented to care for people outside of your own family — the early Christians combined their creativity with compassion. The Church grew exponentially as people saw real love in action and it was compelling. They brought hope and kindness in the face of fear and despair. Today, Halftimers all over the world are responding with the same blend of creativity and compassion. Perhaps

Webinar: Using Your Platform for Good in Crisis (Part One)2020-05-15T15:31:39+08:00

Inspiring Impact: HT Alum Billy Prim’s Live Interview

When Billy sold his first company it had more locations than McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King combined. Instead of chasing the next opportunity, Billy stepped off the entrepreneurial treadmill in order to pause and think about his purpose for the next chapter. Billy Prim shared his halftime journey with us live this week during our Halftime Alumni Spotlight. After reading Halftime and praying through what God wanted him to do at that point in life, two things became clear. God had given Billy the skill set to

Inspiring Impact: HT Alum Billy Prim’s Live Interview2020-08-13T15:51:43+08:00

Stepping into God’s Redemptive Story: HT Alum Barbara’s Live Interview

What does it look like to participate in the unique plan that God has for each of us? While she didn’t have all of the answers, Barbara did have the courage to take the next step in faith. We interviewed Barbara Foulkrod live this week during our Halftime Alumni Spotlight. Barbara shared her passion for the redemptive power of the Lord and how this passion manifested as a second half calling. Together, Barbara and her husband Allin walked through the season of halftime seeking clarity

Stepping into God’s Redemptive Story: HT Alum Barbara’s Live Interview2019-10-04T14:46:29+08:00

Finding Your Mission Field (Is It In Your Career Field?): HT Alum LeAnn’s Live Interview

How do you live out a desire to serve those in need with the demands of a high-powered career? It isn't easy, and it looks different for every person. Dr. LeAnn Kridelbaugh made that transition over the past year, and she shared candidly with us this week what it has been like to live out her high-powered career alongside her passion to serve. From Hospital Executive to Refugee Health Center Dr. LeAnn Kridelbaugh describes her discovery of Halftime and the Fellows Program as

Finding Your Mission Field (Is It In Your Career Field?): HT Alum LeAnn’s Live Interview2019-10-03T16:12:02+08:00

Tragedy to Transformation: Interview with John Ramstead, HT Alum

John Ramstead’s first half experiences were diverse and adventurous, but nothing compared to what he encountered in mid-life. Imagine this: John started out in the United States Navy where he served as a fighter pilot. Then he transitioned to an entrepreneur and then to leading a Fortune 500 management team. Then life threw him an enormous curve ball - a tragic accident that no one thought he would come back from. After 23 surgeries, he not only survived, but he now lives a very full life and

Tragedy to Transformation: Interview with John Ramstead, HT Alum2019-06-05T11:55:41+08:00

Preventing Burnout & Making A Profound Impact in Your Second Half: Alum Lisa Payne Shares Her Journey

“We build our careers in isolation. I was a CFO and I did it on my own. But in your second half community becomes much more important. There’s such an instant connection when you say ‘I did Halftime.’”  - Lisa Payne, Halftime Alum   Halftime is a time to re-calibrate, to determine a new score card, and to build a future of profound impact. First, you must get clear on where you are headed. But then what? After you gain clarity on your second half focus, how do you

Preventing Burnout & Making A Profound Impact in Your Second Half: Alum Lisa Payne Shares Her Journey2019-04-05T17:07:16+08:00

Your Spouse’s Dreams May Be A Key to Your Halftime Calling

[Written by Lloyd Reeb, Halftime Founding Partner & Coach]  I am a hard-driving, goal-oriented person. But I hit a point in the mid-1990s where closing the next deal and cutting another ribbon just didn’t have the same appeal. And I began to ask, “Is there more to life than this?” and “What’s next for me?” I knew I needed a halftime – a time to refocus and make a game plan for the second half of life. Fast forward to today, and surprisingly enough, my second half has

Your Spouse’s Dreams May Be A Key to Your Halftime Calling2019-01-24T15:05:25+08:00

Do You Ask This Persistent and Haunting Question?

by Halftime Fellows Alum, Griff Jones   It’s easy to keep moving forward, isn’t it? But I have learned that sometimes it’s best to stop, press the pause button, rethink, and get intentional about why we are here. Entrepreneurship is in the fiber of my being. We started our company, Twin Eagle Resource Management, in 2010. Twin Eagle is a recognized leader in the wholesale marketing of energy-related commodities including natural gas, power, and liquids. I am grateful for the success we have enjoyed over the years. I have

Do You Ask This Persistent and Haunting Question?2018-11-20T15:45:34+08:00

Re-Defining My Role in the Marketplace

By Matt Levy, Halftime Alum There’s been a lot written about finding our purpose in life. While our purpose may be fixed throughout our time here on earth, how it plays out as we move along can change. At least that’s how it has worked for me. Thankfully I have found my purpose, and that drives me every day to live it out and to be intentional in doing so. Living Out My Faith in the Business Sector At my core, I think I have always been an entrepreneur.

Re-Defining My Role in the Marketplace2018-10-15T11:29:19+08:00

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?

How does the Halftime Institute equip leaders to get CLEAR, get FREE, and get GOING? Hear from 3 Halftime clients as they share how their Halftime program transformed their lives and helped them figure out "What's next?" and "How do I take my talents and time and make a difference in the world?" SCOTT BOYER realized he had a "whisper, a dormant calling". He had spent his career in Big Pharma and through the halftime process decided to stay in the industry and launch his

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?2018-07-23T14:10:57+08:00
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