

HT Alum Jim Clark is Helping Others Find Purpose After Life Behind Bars

Jim Clark describes himself as one of the guys who had been graced with great parents, a successful business career, and a family with three awesome children.  Jim had a great life – the kind of life for which many only hope and dream. That life came to abrupt halt when he committed bank fraud in an attempt to keep his healthcare consulting company afloat (a huge mistake) and was sentenced to over three years in Leavenworth Federal Prison in August 2012. “There is no ‘hope’ inside prison,” states

HT Alum Jim Clark is Helping Others Find Purpose After Life Behind Bars2017-12-08T13:03:44+08:00

HT Alum Steve Nooyen Made God the CEO of His Company – Then the Real Adventure Began

Most people don’t begin intentionally planning for their second half of life while in their first half, much less at the outset of their career. Such was not the case for Halftime alum Steve Nooyen. Newly married and stepping off the starting line of his career at the age of 22, he clearly recalls outlining a set of goals for his future: Start a company by age 30. Run that company for 20 years. Make a transition after those 20 years are complete. Little did Steve know, he was

HT Alum Steve Nooyen Made God the CEO of His Company – Then the Real Adventure Began2017-11-08T13:52:13+08:00

HT Alum Tom Cooper is Finding New Horizons – By Helping Others Do the Same

“I went from praying for a great quarter-end to praying to hear God and how I can best serve the Kingdom.” Tom Cooper was surrounded with challenges early in life - living on his own by age 16, a mother with severe mental issues, his own substance abuse struggles and living a very un-Christian life. Tom was fortunate that his mother, even in her toughest times, followed Jesus and he could witness the power of God in the saving of his mom. Through God’s will and plan Tom

HT Alum Tom Cooper is Finding New Horizons – By Helping Others Do the Same2017-12-05T14:08:05+08:00

HT Alum JT Olson Making an Impact in the Lives of Orphans and Widows

“You have to live like there’s a God. God is wanting us to do something that requires His help. Let’s do something that’s only going to work if God does it.” Halftime Alum JT Olson is clear on what matters to him at his core - making an impact. After spending even ten seconds with JT, his energy, excitement, encouragement, and inspiration are sure to rub off on you. In his second half, JT is channeling his infectious energy and all his time into making an impact on

HT Alum JT Olson Making an Impact in the Lives of Orphans and Widows2017-12-05T15:09:04+08:00

HT Alum and Author Diane Paddison Building Support Networks for Christian Women in the Workplace

“Go for it! Use your gifts!” The journey that led Diane Paddison to found 4word women is the focus of her 2011 book, Work, Love, Pray, and God has had even more in store for her and 4word in the years since the book’s publication. We recently caught up with Diane and learned how God has been at work in her second-half journey as of late. 4word women’s vision is to create a global community of Christian women in the workplace, and it is well on its way

HT Alum and Author Diane Paddison Building Support Networks for Christian Women in the Workplace2020-08-13T16:40:04+08:00

Celebrating the Life and Impact of Greg Murtha

 "Most of all, I want to arrive in heaven all used up, skidding in broadside with a big “Wow!”" Greg Murtha’s opportunity to discover and live out his calling has come and gone, yet his influence continues today. I had the privilege of walking with him over the past twenty years, as he took full advantage of that opportunity. Last Thursday, Greg went home to heaven after more than five years of struggling with cancer. I cried as I flew through the night from NYC to Sweden, praying

Celebrating the Life and Impact of Greg Murtha2017-12-05T13:55:58+08:00

HT Alum Ellen Voie’s Second Half Calling to Empower Women in Trucking Industry

If you’ve been paying attention to what God has been doing in his Kingdom work over the last couple of millennia, you realize that women hold a significant place in the history of the development of the church and the spread of the gospel. Beginning in the New Testament and throughout church history, women have been at the foundation of God’s plans. While men often get the spotlight, many women are patiently, effectively, and efficiently getting the job done behind the scenes. We’re working hard to increase the diversity

HT Alum Ellen Voie’s Second Half Calling to Empower Women in Trucking Industry2017-07-20T09:31:25+08:00

HT Alum Dave Sanderson’s Interview with Entrepreneur Magazine After Surviving Plane Crash

Do you recall the story of Flight 1549, dubbed the "Miracle on the Hudson"? Halftime Alum, Dave Sanderson, was on that flight. In fact, he was the last man off the plane after it landed on the Hudson River! As he patiently waited in the 36 degree water of the Hudson River, Sanderson clung to a lifeboat until he was rescued. Flash forward, Sanderson has endeavored upon a new life path using public speaking and entrepreneurship to inspire leaders across the nation. In some respects, Sanderson, president of Dave Sanderson Speaks

HT Alum Dave Sanderson’s Interview with Entrepreneur Magazine After Surviving Plane Crash2017-08-09T22:23:50+08:00

VIDEO: Alum Leslie Doll – From Faith in the Dark to Bringing Hope to the Hurting

"God has changed my heart in terms of my faith. I'm seeing that what He is doing is greater than what I ever could have imagined or wanted, or hoped for - and I don't know if I would have come to that realization without going through halftime." Bob Buford always said of his second half, "The fruit of my life will grow on other people's trees." This month's Halftime Alumni Spotlight, Leslie Doll, is one such example. The fruit of Bob's wisdom is growing in Leslie's life.

VIDEO: Alum Leslie Doll – From Faith in the Dark to Bringing Hope to the Hurting2017-08-10T05:08:10+08:00

Alumni Spotlight: John Ramstead Goes From Tragedy to Transformation

What have you been surprised by in your second half? Each month, we highlight a story of a Halftime Institute Alum in the hopes that their story will encourage and inspire many others in their second half journeys. Our alumni network, which we affectionately refer to as “Halftime Nation,” is full of surprises. Two really pleasant ways I’ve been surprised in the last year are the subject of this month’s alumni spotlight. First, I’m constantly surprised by the diversity of the people who have benefitted from (or are currently

Alumni Spotlight: John Ramstead Goes From Tragedy to Transformation2017-08-09T22:23:07+08:00
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