

  • Vince Leone Feature

New Video – Alum Vince Leone: Veterans Gain New Hope and Purpose

Vince Leone knew from childhood that he wanted to be a soldier. He spent eight years in the U.S. Army, and that season of Vince's life has shaped the man he is today. The structure, training, and guidance he received allowed him to discover and live into his innate creativity, finding innovative solutions to strategic challenges. Vince served as a commanding officer in the Gulf War, and that experience has shaped his leadership and character - and his second half mission. Shortly after he returned from the desert,

New Video – Alum Vince Leone: Veterans Gain New Hope and Purpose2017-08-10T05:15:13+08:00

Video: Halftime Alum John Leffin’s Story of Struggle and Ultimate Impact

Halftime Alum, John Leffin, was a Partner for global consulting firm, Accenture. Then, right at the peak of his success, he hit the season of halftime and began wrestling with the question, "Is this all there is?" in his desire to make a greater impact on the world. We celebrate the work God has done in John's life, and the lives of so many as a result of John's second half journey. John's work with Mission of Hope Haiti is making a powerful impact on some of the

Video: Halftime Alum John Leffin’s Story of Struggle and Ultimate Impact2017-08-10T05:00:40+08:00

Alumni Spotlight: Bob Doll shares “There is more. Let me tell you what the ‘more’ is…”

Here at the Halftime Institute, we’re proud of the caliber of men and women who make up our alumni and humbled by the way we see God using them to transform the world. We love to share their stories as a means of encouragement and inspiration for other Halftime Alumni as well as prospective Halftime Insitutue clients. Let the story of Halftime Alum, Bob Doll, remind each of us that the skills and wisdom that were honed in our first half can be applied in ways that transform individuals

Alumni Spotlight: Bob Doll shares “There is more. Let me tell you what the ‘more’ is…”2017-07-20T10:38:16+08:00

Finding Hope in Halftime

Since his son's death in 2008, Gareth spent each anniversary reflecting on what it all meant. He began to ask himself “What are my dreams? What do I want to do?” Things that had been important before were put in perspective, and one thing Gareth knew was that the corporate career path was not what he wanted to follow for the rest of his life. He wanted to do something that mattered. Gareth heard about Halftime Institute from a friend and signed up in 2012. A Halftime Coach's Impact...

Finding Hope in Halftime2017-07-20T11:00:12+08:00

This is My Halftime Story: Sandy Duckett

Sandy Duckett believes in the importance of a good and affordable education. So much, in fact, that she left her own job in higher education in order to make it possible for more people. Halftime Launch Event An entrepreneur at heart, Sandy started her first business at 22. She went on to work in economic development before moving into higher education, becoming COO and Vice President of Advancement for a college foundation. In 2009, she started her doctoral studies and in 2010 turned down a college presidency.

This is My Halftime Story: Sandy Duckett2017-07-20T11:02:37+08:00

The Significance of a Simple Conversation

Fred Clark enjoyed professional success in his career as lawyer and founding partner of a D.C. based government relations firm.  Although his exposure to the idea of “Halftime” started years before, in 2013 Fred made the decision to more fully explore a growing sense of spiritual discontent and the possibility God might have something more for him to experience beyond his professional titles and accomplishments. After Fred transitioned from the focused and more structured part of his professional life, he spent the next 18 months traveling around the world,

The Significance of a Simple Conversation2017-07-20T11:06:25+08:00

Halftime Story: Thriving In Career Transition (Fred Clark)

Do you remember a time when you felt God was calling you to do something else with your life? A time when your work and the status quo of your life started to become stale? For Fred Clark, the call came several years ago while he was in the midst of his professional career as the founding partner of a successful law firm in Washington D.C. Fred Clark's experience in the Halftime Institute was a pleasant surprise that helped him thrive in his career transition. When Clark heard God’s

Halftime Story: Thriving In Career Transition (Fred Clark)2017-07-20T11:11:17+08:00

How Serious Am I?

       By Halftime Alum Claudia Cantrell After returning to Atlanta from the Halftime Institute with my cohort in October 2015, I was so energized! I am sure that we, the alumni, share these memories of recalling past adventures, successes, failures, and losses. In addition, we had a great and fun time meeting and getting to know our cohort group and the coaches.  We all left with a draft of our own personal mission statements, goals, and a determination to “tackle the world” and make a difference in

How Serious Am I?2018-01-04T14:25:27+08:00

My Halftime Coach Changed My Life: Tom Cooper

Do you wonder whether a year of coaching is worth investing in as you explore your second half purpose in life? Tom Cooper does. So much so that he was willing to share his story and the impact his coach has had on his Halftime journey. He hopes to encourage others to take advantage of this powerful element of the Halftime Experience. Mr. Cooper is a successful executive who has made the transition from “success to significance,” serving God most recently by spearheading an affiliate of  New Horizons Southwest

My Halftime Coach Changed My Life: Tom Cooper2016-11-18T12:17:32+08:00
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