

Do you think to yourself, “My Schedule is Insane!” ?

When a parent pleads “my crazy schedule” for why he or she is ghosting the kid’s event, or family time in general, if he or she will hear me, I have a pretty practical response. Ninety-nine percent of the men and women we work with are textbook type A’s, shrink-wrapped into their calendars with no margin in the day. Zero. Most of them are cell-phone dependent, doing life by the quarter hour. When we tell them, almost first thing, to open their calendars and clear out hours—plural—it’s like waving scissors at a patient’s morphine drip.

Do you think to yourself, “My Schedule is Insane!” ?2017-07-20T09:48:26+08:00

What could be keeping you from being both successful and content?

If all of the statistics are right, most of us are merely doing what’s next and not what’s us. It is almost like we’re sleepwalking through life. The Gallup Organization says that only one in five of us are doing what we do best every day. So, is it possible to be successful and content in our work? If it is, why aren’t more of us doing it? Success and contentment are the end product of two ingredients: 1) We figure out who we really are and how we are wired

What could be keeping you from being both successful and content?2017-07-20T09:52:24+08:00
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