
A Coach’s Point of View

3 Biblical Principles for Pursuing Financial Freedom

By: Dean Niewolny, Chief Executive Officer of Halftime Institute Is pursuing success and the accumulation of wealth “okay” for Christians? For years, many have wrestled with this question. However, the root of the matter is less about how much money you have, and more about where your heart is. If God has given you the ability to make money, and it’s His money anyway, the question then becomes what are you doing with that money for Kingdom purposes?  Rather than encouraging you to sell your belongings and

3 Biblical Principles for Pursuing Financial Freedom2020-07-17T10:53:53+08:00

10 Conclusions on Crisis Leadership

By: Rod Stewart, Halftime CertifiedTM Coach I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what good, strong, Spirit-led leadership looks like in the midst of a crisis.  While watching a documentary on Franklin Delano Roosevelt and how he led our country out of the Great Depression with a combination of clarity, communication and innovation, I marveled at the way he stood up and took responsibility in the midst of fear. It was then that he delivered his famous line, ‘The only thing we have to fear, is fear

10 Conclusions on Crisis Leadership2020-05-15T13:56:15+08:00

How To: Be a Sur-thrivalist

By: Chip DeClue, Halftime CertifiedTM Coach In the midst of this COVID-19 crisis, it can often seem as if the world has stopped.  Plans for the future have been put on hold as uncertainty looms. Business trips, vacations, retirement plans, weddings… most postponed, many outright canceled. And the list goes on. This is especially true for those who are in the process of transitioning into the next season of life.   One Halftime client of mine lamented, “It feels like I’m in the halftime of Halftime. What should I

How To: Be a Sur-thrivalist2020-04-26T12:30:53+08:00

4 Warning Signs You Need to Detox from the Rat Race (And Where to Start)

“I feel trapped. And you know I can’t talk to anyone else about this, Rod” he said to me. “I can’t afford to show weakness. It could cost too much with the people I’m leading.” I had just wrapped up a coaching session with a client talking about the frenzied pace of his life, the burden of responsibilities, and how he felt trapped, like everyone wanted something from him. Can you relate? So many leaders I coach these days come to me because they find themselves leading lives of

4 Warning Signs You Need to Detox from the Rat Race (And Where to Start)2019-06-30T17:40:47+08:00

How God Surprised Me in Halftime

“So what is God showing you?” Those were the words my Halftime Coach asked shortly into our scheduled call. Two months earlier I had attended a Halftime Institute Launch Event, gotten clarity around a personal mission statement to guide me, and formulated a game plan for moving forward in my journey "from success to significance.” In my business career, strategy and planning always seemed to come easily. I would ask myself: Where are we today, where do we want to be, and how do we get from here to

How God Surprised Me in Halftime2018-07-23T14:09:11+08:00

Get Back Your Time: For Those You Love Most

Time for Your Loved Ones Volumes have been written on managing and maintaining relationships with those we love. When I am asked by my clients how I would approach sustaining these relationships, it’s simple: time. Investing time into the relationships of our loved ones is a simple, yet effective way of showing we care. So when seeking for a good model who demonstrated this investment, I think of Jesus. But how did He do it? Jesus invested His life, time, and ministry primarily into twelve men - a small

Get Back Your Time: For Those You Love Most2018-06-08T16:18:36+08:00


Reflections From A 20-Year Mentee of Bob Buford We all want to maximize our time on earth. Greater dividends in our relationships and our endeavors for the time and sweat equity we put in. Being a 20-year mentee of Bob Buford has taught me just that – how to have leveraged impact in all that I do.   Bob Buford was intent on a “100X return” - one hundred times the benefit or life change, as a result of giving his time and money to meet others’ needs. His standard wasn’t just multiplication - it was

10 KEYS TO MID-LIFE RENEWAL, Part 22018-05-17T15:51:22+08:00

3 Keys to Mid-Life Renewal

While the journey of mid-life renewal is common all over the world, every person’s second half calling is somehow unique. People from all professional and personal backgrounds tend to make some common mistakes when they come to this season of mid-life renewal. Regardless of your first half career, these three keys will significantly improve the chances of you making a smooth transition to Life II. 1. Recognize that you need renewal at mid-life, and begin working on it earlier than you think is necessary. Here’s why: It’s hard to

3 Keys to Mid-Life Renewal2018-01-18T12:16:46+08:00

4 Ways to Give Thanks This Year

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.  I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High. ~ Psalms 9:1-2 (NIV) Don’t worry, Thanksgiving Day is still a week away! So why am I writing a Thanksgiving-themed blog now? Well, because I think focusing on being thankful deserves more than a single day. In fact, we should be thankful every day. Most of us are so blessed and it’s

4 Ways to Give Thanks This Year2018-06-19T15:49:12+08:00

The Only Way Home

Sometimes the only way home is through the one place we would never choose to go: The Wilderness. I have found that there are two ways to get to the wilderness. One, you can decide to take yourself there out of pure, unbridled obedience. Someone else is sending you and you know in your heart that you have to go. If you opt for this route, be prepared. A lot of people in your circle will think you’re crazy. But I’m here to tell you that you are most

The Only Way Home2017-10-18T09:20:55+08:00
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