
A Coach’s Point of View

How to Cultivate a More Joyful Life

Margin in our calendars means having or creating extra time in our lives to do something other than the things we are currently doing. The problem is that most people think that creating margin is a matter of time management and delegation strategies. Although some of that may be required in our journey toward joy, the real challenge lies deeper in our hearts. The problem with an efficiency paradigm toward margin is that while it helps us do what we are already doing faster, it is not helping us

How to Cultivate a More Joyful Life2017-09-19T13:58:00+08:00

Are You Doing the Work That Suits You Best?

What would it look like to truly align our strengths, passions, and capacity with our day-to-day work and life? If all the latest research is correct, most of us are sleepwalking through life, doing work that doesn’t suit us at all, but brings a paycheck. For many years, The Gallup Organization has asked a simple, but powerful question: True or False?: At work, I get to do what I do best every day. Sadly, only one person in five — just twenty percent of us — answer ‘true’ to

Are You Doing the Work That Suits You Best?2017-07-20T10:09:14+08:00

3 Ways to Create Better New Years Resolutions

Excerpted from Bob Karcher's author blog Who Are the Joneses Anyway? I can’t imagine a person becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.” — Walter Cronkite Resolutions. Goals. Objectives. We call them many things but this time of year we most commonly hear the term “resolution” when we make a decision to do something in the coming year. You’ve been there. It’s New Year’s Eve and you feel like you must declare to yourself and the world at least one big thing you’ll commit to

3 Ways to Create Better New Years Resolutions2017-07-20T10:40:38+08:00

Four Tips for a More Grateful Halftime

Living generously changes everything – for the better. Thanksgiving Day is just a few days away so this naturally sounds like a good time to write a blog about being thankful. I’ve always enjoyed this holiday and would spend it being thankful for my many blessings - you know, the usual stuff … family, health, home, job, and all the things I enjoyed. That’s where it ended. This doesn’t mean I wasn’t grateful other times of the year. I was thankful, but it always stopped there ... I was

Four Tips for a More Grateful Halftime2017-07-20T10:44:44+08:00

Five Keys To Transform Your Business And Your Life

By John Sikkema, Halftime Institute Director of Global Partners and Executive Chariman of Halftime Australia For business owners, the line between personal and business life is inevitably blurred. Managing a business is a demanding juggling act, sidelining valued relationships, resulting in frustration and a lack of control over any aspect of our lives. I’ve lived by the following five key principles to create balance in business, freeing time for family and relationships: Get Your Foundation Right And Be Clear On The Destination Having the wrong people in key roles results

Five Keys To Transform Your Business And Your Life2018-01-04T21:40:30+08:00

Building a Thriving Family In Your Second Half- Part 4

Throughout the Thriving Family email series we’ve covered important elements and questions to encourage you to stop and think through your vision, role and strategy to leading your family in the second half of your life. If you missed Part 1, Part 2, or Part 3, be sure to go back and check it out. As we mentioned in the first blog, one of the most rewarding aspects of the Halftime Journey is taking our family with us on this exploration and adventure. Linda and I want our kids and

Building a Thriving Family In Your Second Half- Part 42018-06-25T13:29:26+08:00

Building a Thriving Family In Your Second Half- Part 3

By Lloyd and Linda Reeb It’s hard to believe we’re already to Part 3 of the Building a Thriving Family email series. If you missed Part 1 or Part 2 be sure to go back and check it out. This week we are going to dive in deep and focus on your leadership role within the family, family values, and the risks and opportunities for each individual in your family. Questions For Building a Thriving Family 1. Leadership: What is your role in leading the family, and what is your

Building a Thriving Family In Your Second Half- Part 32018-06-25T13:29:38+08:00

A Coach’s Point of View:  Discovering the Heart Journey of Halftime

By Steve Ivaska “So what is God showing you?”  Those were the words my Halftime Coach asked shortly into our scheduled call.  Two months earlier I had attended a Halftime Institute Launch Event, gotten clarity around a personal mission statement to guide me, and formulated a game plan for moving forward in my “journey from success to significance.”  Strategy and planning always seemed to come easy.  The seemingly intuitive thought process served me well in my business career.  Where are we today, where do we want to be, and

A Coach’s Point of View:  Discovering the Heart Journey of Halftime2018-06-25T14:01:37+08:00

A Coach’s Point of View: One Purpose

By Mathilda Fourie As Halftime coaches, we help people figure out what is next and how can they live purposefully in the second half of their lives.  As we walk alongside them in this journey, we help them discover vision, examine their past through guided reflection, explore possible serving opportunities that fit their unique design, skillset and passion so that they can have enduring impact and leave a legacy which will live on long after they have moved on.  We touch on things of the heart and things of

A Coach’s Point of View: One Purpose2018-01-04T14:04:24+08:00

Remember to Stroll

By Jeff Spadafora   An ordinary Tuesday. Launched with the Word. Skimming really. Mechanical. A little shallow today. Hmm. Time to move on. Things to do. Hustle and muscle. Create and collaborate. Despite the Christian labels Not much different from my B.C. days Old habits that used to serve well Now taking a toll on my heart Sure the kingdom grows. And people are blessed. Truth is revealed. But my pace and performance power it. Why this march?  Why this effort? Why do I forget trust and lock onto results?

Remember to Stroll2018-01-04T14:14:08+08:00
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