
Dean Niewolny

How to Trade Up When Going Through a Major Career Change

Change is bound to happen to each of us at one time or another. High flying and fast moving careers are no exception. Perhaps you are dealing with a major career shift. Your company or role is being downsized or maybe you’ve decided on your own that some kind of change is necessary. It’s important to remember that even if everything changes for you, it’s not the end of everything. It seems kind of counterintuitive to say, but it could be the greatest day of your life. Here’s

How to Trade Up When Going Through a Major Career Change2017-07-17T11:47:54+08:00

You Can’t Know Yourself By Yourself

To operate at your best and most fulfilled, it is critical that you know your strengths and your purpose. But I like to say that knowledge is a tool and not a solution. Your purpose and calling emerges not in a day or in an assessment. Or in a heartfelt prayer—or even two. The significance you rightly look for is unlikely to arrive, boom, by epiphany. And that’s the good news. In my new book Trade Up, I stress  that it’s in the journey, your journey, that good things

You Can’t Know Yourself By Yourself2017-07-14T16:53:04+08:00

In Light of Father’s Day, Be Relentless

How Your Schedule Could Be Sabotaging Your Parenting It’s about to be Father’s Day again, but in a way, every day in a family is Father’s Day. Fathers play a critical role in how the next generation turns out, and these days there are a lot of dads who are just not doing their duty. They are good people and they have the greatest of intentions, but the follow through is lacking somehow. I understand. I know the struggles firsthand. In some ways, the more successful you are, the

In Light of Father’s Day, Be Relentless2017-07-14T16:54:36+08:00

Do you think to yourself, “My Schedule is Insane!” ?

When a parent pleads “my crazy schedule” for why he or she is ghosting the kid’s event, or family time in general, if he or she will hear me, I have a pretty practical response. Ninety-nine percent of the men and women we work with are textbook type A’s, shrink-wrapped into their calendars with no margin in the day. Zero. Most of them are cell-phone dependent, doing life by the quarter hour. When we tell them, almost first thing, to open their calendars and clear out hours—plural—it’s like waving scissors at a patient’s morphine drip.

Do you think to yourself, “My Schedule is Insane!” ?2017-07-20T09:48:26+08:00

The Sanity of an Insane Choice

Somewhere along the way we mislabeled success. We put numbers on it and believed that those numbers are all of the variables that go into being successful. But what if the definition is broader than that? What if true success is about following your calling, using your gifts, and making a difference? Can you do all of that and find happiness, too? The truth is, true success and happiness are inseparable from each other. Think about it. If success and happiness were only about the numbers then everyone who

The Sanity of an Insane Choice2017-07-20T09:51:13+08:00

What could be keeping you from being both successful and content?

If all of the statistics are right, most of us are merely doing what’s next and not what’s us. It is almost like we’re sleepwalking through life. The Gallup Organization says that only one in five of us are doing what we do best every day. So, is it possible to be successful and content in our work? If it is, why aren’t more of us doing it? Success and contentment are the end product of two ingredients: 1) We figure out who we really are and how we are wired

What could be keeping you from being both successful and content?2017-07-20T09:52:24+08:00
  • Laptop and Glasses

What Lies Beyond the Corner Office?: Discover What Makes You Tick

We’ve all heard the story of David and Goliath. David was an afterthought in everyone’s mind when he showed up with his slingshot and his five smooth stones. What happened next has lived on in legend for many centuries and will continue to live on for many reasons. I think one of those is the powerful question that David asked of his brothers and those who stood nearby, cowering in Goliath’s shadow and presence: Is there not a cause? Notice that David didn’t ask to see a battle plan

What Lies Beyond the Corner Office?: Discover What Makes You Tick2017-07-20T09:56:20+08:00

When Success Isn’t Enough

I suppose it’s happening somewhere, in some corner office every day. It’s that gnawing feeling that defies description. You’ve followed the rules, built a great career, educated yourself to prepare, and climbed the ladder of success to the very top rung. So, here you are, and somehow it isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. You have more than enough of everything and still it doesn’t satisfy. We were all told that that kind of meteoric rise would be life-changing and it would fill a deep need that

When Success Isn’t Enough2017-07-20T10:21:28+08:00
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