
Goal Setting

G-R-O-W More Joy in Your Life

Much of our joy, or lack thereof, is related to clarity and focus, as I mentioned in my previous post. The lack of joy can often come from being frozen on the trigger of a decision in our lives. I’m not talking about “chicken or steak” decisions, but larger decisions like where to move, a commitment to truly get healthy, a new business to start, a new job to take, etc. We want to make a change, but we feel stuck. This inhibits joy and contributes to restlessness, discontent,

G-R-O-W More Joy in Your Life2018-01-18T12:09:14+08:00

Making Time and Space

Ninety-nine percent of new Halftimers are textbook type A’s, men and women shrink-wrapped into their schedules with zero margin. They walk into the Institute grafted to cell phones, setting plans by the quarter hour. When we tell them, almost first thing, to open their calendars and pry open their hours (for whole stretches, ongoing), it’s a little like waving scissors at a patient’s morphine drip. For their part, our Halftimers report back to us that their early efforts to dial back on busyness are: Scary A relief Welcome Incredibly

Making Time and Space2017-10-30T13:14:18+08:00

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well

At the Halftime Institute we care more about how you’re doing 30 years from now, than 30 months from now. A few years back we created a 2-day experience for business leaders around the topic of "finishing your life well." We did it for several years in partnership with Jim Collins, the author of books like Good to Great -- about great leaders and great companies. After more than 25 years studying how great leaders help companies become great, Jim is also interested in why many of those great

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well2017-09-13T14:30:56+08:00

Living With Your 80th Birthday In Mind

It’s your eightieth birthday and someone has taken you to your favorite restaurant. Stepping through the front door, you see the entire place has been rented out for the occasion. Across a large room you see some two hundred family members, friends, and business associates. The room has a stage and a microphone. After dinner, one by one, all of the guests—your spouse, your children, your neighbors, employees, associates—form a line to take the microphone and say to everyone what your life has meant. What do you hope to

Living With Your 80th Birthday In Mind2017-09-07T15:55:05+08:00

In Light of Father’s Day, Be Relentless

How Your Schedule Could Be Sabotaging Your Parenting It’s about to be Father’s Day again, but in a way, every day in a family is Father’s Day. Fathers play a critical role in how the next generation turns out, and these days there are a lot of dads who are just not doing their duty. They are good people and they have the greatest of intentions, but the follow through is lacking somehow. I understand. I know the struggles firsthand. In some ways, the more successful you are, the

In Light of Father’s Day, Be Relentless2017-07-14T16:54:36+08:00

Do you think to yourself, “My Schedule is Insane!” ?

When a parent pleads “my crazy schedule” for why he or she is ghosting the kid’s event, or family time in general, if he or she will hear me, I have a pretty practical response. Ninety-nine percent of the men and women we work with are textbook type A’s, shrink-wrapped into their calendars with no margin in the day. Zero. Most of them are cell-phone dependent, doing life by the quarter hour. When we tell them, almost first thing, to open their calendars and clear out hours—plural—it’s like waving scissors at a patient’s morphine drip.

Do you think to yourself, “My Schedule is Insane!” ?2017-07-20T09:48:26+08:00

The Sanity of an Insane Choice

Somewhere along the way we mislabeled success. We put numbers on it and believed that those numbers are all of the variables that go into being successful. But what if the definition is broader than that? What if true success is about following your calling, using your gifts, and making a difference? Can you do all of that and find happiness, too? The truth is, true success and happiness are inseparable from each other. Think about it. If success and happiness were only about the numbers then everyone who

The Sanity of an Insane Choice2017-07-20T09:51:13+08:00

3 Ways to Create Better New Years Resolutions

Excerpted from Bob Karcher's author blog Who Are the Joneses Anyway? I can’t imagine a person becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.” — Walter Cronkite Resolutions. Goals. Objectives. We call them many things but this time of year we most commonly hear the term “resolution” when we make a decision to do something in the coming year. You’ve been there. It’s New Year’s Eve and you feel like you must declare to yourself and the world at least one big thing you’ll commit to

3 Ways to Create Better New Years Resolutions2017-07-20T10:40:38+08:00
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