
This is my Halftime Story

HT Fellow Mark Barfield Responds in Widowed Mom’s Time of Need

“You don’t always have to search for what God wants you to do. Sometimes, it’s right in front of you.” Mark Barfield’s Halftime journey began shortly after retiring from RadioShack Corporation. Mark had a desire to create low-income housing opportunities in the Fort Worth area, but his initial housing endeavor resulted in a “false start.” Then, Mark’s new part-time CFO position temporarily turned into a full-time occupation. As a result, Mark “turned his dreamer back off” – until the day he received an email from Cornerstone Assistance Network (CAN)***

HT Fellow Mark Barfield Responds in Widowed Mom’s Time of Need2017-08-10T18:24:31+08:00

HT Alum Dave Sanderson’s Interview with Entrepreneur Magazine After Surviving Plane Crash

Do you recall the story of Flight 1549, dubbed the "Miracle on the Hudson"? Halftime Alum, Dave Sanderson, was on that flight. In fact, he was the last man off the plane after it landed on the Hudson River! As he patiently waited in the 36 degree water of the Hudson River, Sanderson clung to a lifeboat until he was rescued. Flash forward, Sanderson has endeavored upon a new life path using public speaking and entrepreneurship to inspire leaders across the nation. In some respects, Sanderson, president of Dave Sanderson Speaks

HT Alum Dave Sanderson’s Interview with Entrepreneur Magazine After Surviving Plane Crash2017-08-09T22:23:50+08:00

VIDEO: Alum Leslie Doll – From Faith in the Dark to Bringing Hope to the Hurting

"God has changed my heart in terms of my faith. I'm seeing that what He is doing is greater than what I ever could have imagined or wanted, or hoped for - and I don't know if I would have come to that realization without going through halftime." Bob Buford always said of his second half, "The fruit of my life will grow on other people's trees." This month's Halftime Alumni Spotlight, Leslie Doll, is one such example. The fruit of Bob's wisdom is growing in Leslie's life.

VIDEO: Alum Leslie Doll – From Faith in the Dark to Bringing Hope to the Hurting2017-08-10T05:08:10+08:00

Alumni Spotlight: John Ramstead Goes From Tragedy to Transformation

What have you been surprised by in your second half? Each month, we highlight a story of a Halftime Institute Alum in the hopes that their story will encourage and inspire many others in their second half journeys. Our alumni network, which we affectionately refer to as “Halftime Nation,” is full of surprises. Two really pleasant ways I’ve been surprised in the last year are the subject of this month’s alumni spotlight. First, I’m constantly surprised by the diversity of the people who have benefitted from (or are currently

Alumni Spotlight: John Ramstead Goes From Tragedy to Transformation2017-08-09T22:23:07+08:00
  • Laptop and Glasses

What Lies Beyond the Corner Office?: Discover What Makes You Tick

We’ve all heard the story of David and Goliath. David was an afterthought in everyone’s mind when he showed up with his slingshot and his five smooth stones. What happened next has lived on in legend for many centuries and will continue to live on for many reasons. I think one of those is the powerful question that David asked of his brothers and those who stood nearby, cowering in Goliath’s shadow and presence: Is there not a cause? Notice that David didn’t ask to see a battle plan

What Lies Beyond the Corner Office?: Discover What Makes You Tick2017-07-20T09:56:20+08:00
  • Vince Leone Feature

New Video – Alum Vince Leone: Veterans Gain New Hope and Purpose

Vince Leone knew from childhood that he wanted to be a soldier. He spent eight years in the U.S. Army, and that season of Vince's life has shaped the man he is today. The structure, training, and guidance he received allowed him to discover and live into his innate creativity, finding innovative solutions to strategic challenges. Vince served as a commanding officer in the Gulf War, and that experience has shaped his leadership and character - and his second half mission. Shortly after he returned from the desert,

New Video – Alum Vince Leone: Veterans Gain New Hope and Purpose2017-08-10T05:15:13+08:00

Video: Halftime Alum John Leffin’s Story of Struggle and Ultimate Impact

Halftime Alum, John Leffin, was a Partner for global consulting firm, Accenture. Then, right at the peak of his success, he hit the season of halftime and began wrestling with the question, "Is this all there is?" in his desire to make a greater impact on the world. We celebrate the work God has done in John's life, and the lives of so many as a result of John's second half journey. John's work with Mission of Hope Haiti is making a powerful impact on some of the

Video: Halftime Alum John Leffin’s Story of Struggle and Ultimate Impact2017-08-10T05:00:40+08:00

When Success Isn’t Enough

I suppose it’s happening somewhere, in some corner office every day. It’s that gnawing feeling that defies description. You’ve followed the rules, built a great career, educated yourself to prepare, and climbed the ladder of success to the very top rung. So, here you are, and somehow it isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. You have more than enough of everything and still it doesn’t satisfy. We were all told that that kind of meteoric rise would be life-changing and it would fill a deep need that

When Success Isn’t Enough2017-07-20T10:21:28+08:00

Alumni Spotlight: Bob Doll shares “There is more. Let me tell you what the ‘more’ is…”

Here at the Halftime Institute, we’re proud of the caliber of men and women who make up our alumni and humbled by the way we see God using them to transform the world. We love to share their stories as a means of encouragement and inspiration for other Halftime Alumni as well as prospective Halftime Insitutue clients. Let the story of Halftime Alum, Bob Doll, remind each of us that the skills and wisdom that were honed in our first half can be applied in ways that transform individuals

Alumni Spotlight: Bob Doll shares “There is more. Let me tell you what the ‘more’ is…”2017-07-20T10:38:16+08:00

What will make your second half joyful? (Joy Model Series, Part 3)

What’s the difference between Bigfoot, unicorns, and discovering your calling? Two of them are myths and one is for real. If you are a follower of Jesus, you do, in fact, have a calling and it will always be consistent with advancing God’s plan for humanity. The Bible talks about calling this way: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do the good works planned in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10). And what are those good works? Jesus gave us a clear agenda that

What will make your second half joyful? (Joy Model Series, Part 3)2017-07-20T10:46:50+08:00
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