
This is my Halftime Story

What will you be remembered for? (The Joy Model Series, Part 2)

One spring break, my wife, Michelle, and I took the kids to Disney World. My mom and dad were with us, and we ran into a guy who had played football for my dad. My dad was a high school football coach in Massachusetts for more than thirty years. This former player, ten to twelve years older than I, was with his extended family on vacation too. So there we were, a gaggle of New Englanders all from the same small town unexpectedly bumping into each other and reminiscing.

What will you be remembered for? (The Joy Model Series, Part 2)2017-07-20T10:51:11+08:00

Finding Hope in Halftime

Since his son's death in 2008, Gareth spent each anniversary reflecting on what it all meant. He began to ask himself “What are my dreams? What do I want to do?” Things that had been important before were put in perspective, and one thing Gareth knew was that the corporate career path was not what he wanted to follow for the rest of his life. He wanted to do something that mattered. Gareth heard about Halftime Institute from a friend and signed up in 2012. A Halftime Coach's Impact...

Finding Hope in Halftime2017-07-20T11:00:12+08:00

This is My Halftime Story: Sandy Duckett

Sandy Duckett believes in the importance of a good and affordable education. So much, in fact, that she left her own job in higher education in order to make it possible for more people. Halftime Launch Event An entrepreneur at heart, Sandy started her first business at 22. She went on to work in economic development before moving into higher education, becoming COO and Vice President of Advancement for a college foundation. In 2009, she started her doctoral studies and in 2010 turned down a college presidency.

This is My Halftime Story: Sandy Duckett2017-07-20T11:02:37+08:00

Halftime Story: Thriving In Career Transition (Fred Clark)

Do you remember a time when you felt God was calling you to do something else with your life? A time when your work and the status quo of your life started to become stale? For Fred Clark, the call came several years ago while he was in the midst of his professional career as the founding partner of a successful law firm in Washington D.C. Fred Clark's experience in the Halftime Institute was a pleasant surprise that helped him thrive in his career transition. When Clark heard God’s

Halftime Story: Thriving In Career Transition (Fred Clark)2017-07-20T11:11:17+08:00

This Is My Halftime Story: Katherine Huske

  Katherine Huske knows that trusting in God can bring order out of chaos. He has done it in her life and calls her to do it in the lives of others. Katherine became a Christian at the relatively late age of 40. Living in Maui, with what would seem to others the perfect life—a beautiful husband and son, money, a great job and a nice home—her life was far from perfect. In fact, she had made the decision to walk away from it all when a business associate

This Is My Halftime Story: Katherine Huske2018-01-04T14:27:04+08:00

This Is My Halftime Story: Brad Jeffery

Being on the Forefront of Cause Consumerism Brad Jeffery is a man with a cause. As the founder, President and CEO of CAUSEGEAR (an L3C low profit social enterprise), his mission in life is to bring justice to the lives of the poverty-stricken people in majority world countries. His journey to discovering what true justice means has been long but fruitful, not only for him but for the many changed lives that testify of his influence. Involved in a family business for most of his life, he enjoyed that

This Is My Halftime Story: Brad Jeffery2018-01-04T22:11:32+08:00

This is My Halftime Story: Gareth Williams

Gareth Williams knows more than his fair share about loss. When his son Timmy died right before his 12th birthday after a long illness, he came to understand the distinctive nature of a parent’s grief.  What would normally be milestones—graduations, grandchildren, and all dreams of the future—become, instead, memorial stones, reminders of what should have been. Can such loss ever be redeemed? Gareth believes that it can, thanks to a son who believed in dreaming big, and the help of the Halftime Institute. When Timmy was given an opportunity

This is My Halftime Story: Gareth Williams2018-01-04T22:12:28+08:00

Business, Faith and the Second Half – Part 2

CLICK HERE to read Part 1 God Lives with the Poor When I began searching for what God wanted of me, I received some unsettling counsel from a Rwandan bishop: “Our country needs jobs and a vibrant economy or our best and brightest will leave. You’re a businessman. You’ve spent your whole life buying, financing, building and selling businesses. Why don’t you spend the rest of your life building businesses in Rwanda?” Having never been to Africa, I was intimidated by the challenge but curious about what kind of business

Business, Faith and the Second Half – Part 22015-11-19T15:21:26+08:00

This Is My Halftime Story: Lee DeRemer

Why would a man with a PhD in leadership and a 30-year history of teaching leaders and mentoring others, seek the help of the Halftime Institute? Lee DeRemer is that man, and his story offers much insight into the vital role Halftime can play in the life of anyone who needs guidance on the journey from “success to significance.” Lee retired from the US Air Force in 2010, and almost immediately faced a fork in the road of his life. “I had a false start...I accepted a comfortable position

This Is My Halftime Story: Lee DeRemer2018-01-04T22:13:37+08:00

Business, Faith and the Second Half – Part 1

By Dale Dawson If private enterprise, rather than charity, is the sustainable solution to poverty in Africa, then how do Americans help? One innovative idea taking root in Rwanda is to draw faith-motivated U.S. businesspeople to the country to lend their talent and invest their resources to promote entrepreneurship and private sector growth. This essay journals the transformation of one boomer-age American entrepreneur as he reignites his passion, redefines success in business into a divine calling and encourages the next generation to fuse a social mission into their careers.

Business, Faith and the Second Half – Part 12015-10-16T14:39:45+08:00
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