
Halftime Tips

Preventing Burnout & Making A Profound Impact in Your Second Half: Alum Lisa Payne Shares Her Journey

“We build our careers in isolation. I was a CFO and I did it on my own. But in your second half community becomes much more important. There’s such an instant connection when you say ‘I did Halftime.’”  - Lisa Payne, Halftime Alum   Halftime is a time to re-calibrate, to determine a new score card, and to build a future of profound impact. First, you must get clear on where you are headed. But then what? After you gain clarity on your second half focus, how do you

Preventing Burnout & Making A Profound Impact in Your Second Half: Alum Lisa Payne Shares Her Journey2019-04-05T17:07:16+08:00

Finding Your Calling: 3 Paradigm Shifts To Overcome

  You want to answer “What’s Next?” but you’re not sure where to start. You know something has to change, and you may even have a sense for what it is, but you don’t want to act hastily. You can sense that a transition is coming. Lingering restlessness brews under the surface. This is complicated by the fact that you have a pretty great life by most accounts. You don’t want to be ungrateful, but you feel a lack of purpose in your everyday, and it is starting to

Finding Your Calling: 3 Paradigm Shifts To Overcome2019-02-21T21:09:02+08:00

Your Spouse’s Dreams May Be A Key to Your Halftime Calling

[Written by Lloyd Reeb, Halftime Founding Partner & Coach]  I am a hard-driving, goal-oriented person. But I hit a point in the mid-1990s where closing the next deal and cutting another ribbon just didn’t have the same appeal. And I began to ask, “Is there more to life than this?” and “What’s next for me?” I knew I needed a halftime – a time to refocus and make a game plan for the second half of life. Fast forward to today, and surprisingly enough, my second half has

Your Spouse’s Dreams May Be A Key to Your Halftime Calling2019-01-24T15:05:25+08:00

5 Essential Questions For Leaders Seeking Lasting Friendships…

Do you have lots of acquaintances, some buddies, but few (if any) deep, lasting friendships? You’re not alone. For one, I can relate. And I see it often in the hard-driving achievers that I coach. Many leaders reach midlife and discover that intimacy has been squeezed out of their marriage, family and friendships. Yet I’ve found that a reflective leader will realize that this is a key measure of success that needs attention for a fulfilling and meaningful second half. Out of intimacy comes trust, understanding, romance. What is

5 Essential Questions For Leaders Seeking Lasting Friendships…2018-12-21T09:28:09+08:00

Re-Defining My Role in the Marketplace

By Matt Levy, Halftime Alum There’s been a lot written about finding our purpose in life. While our purpose may be fixed throughout our time here on earth, how it plays out as we move along can change. At least that’s how it has worked for me. Thankfully I have found my purpose, and that drives me every day to live it out and to be intentional in doing so. Living Out My Faith in the Business Sector At my core, I think I have always been an entrepreneur.

Re-Defining My Role in the Marketplace2018-10-15T11:29:19+08:00

How God Surprised Me in Halftime

“So what is God showing you?” Those were the words my Halftime Coach asked shortly into our scheduled call. Two months earlier I had attended a Halftime Institute Launch Event, gotten clarity around a personal mission statement to guide me, and formulated a game plan for moving forward in my journey "from success to significance.” In my business career, strategy and planning always seemed to come easily. I would ask myself: Where are we today, where do we want to be, and how do we get from here to

How God Surprised Me in Halftime2018-07-23T14:09:11+08:00

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?

How does the Halftime Institute equip leaders to get CLEAR, get FREE, and get GOING? Hear from 3 Halftime clients as they share how their Halftime program transformed their lives and helped them figure out "What's next?" and "How do I take my talents and time and make a difference in the world?" SCOTT BOYER realized he had a "whisper, a dormant calling". He had spent his career in Big Pharma and through the halftime process decided to stay in the industry and launch his

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?2018-07-23T14:10:57+08:00


  Reflections From A 20-Year Mentee of Bob Buford Two weeks before my friend and mentor Bob Buford passed away, I took a day of silence. A day alone with God in the beauty of historic Pinehurst, North Carolina. For some reason, I brought my whole file of notes, learnings and conversations with Bob over our 20-year partnership. In 1998, we locked arms to build the Halftime Institute, but he shaped my mind and heart along the way. A typical mentoring time would be a 90-minute breakfast at the

10 KEYS TO MID-LIFE RENEWAL, Part 12018-06-06T02:28:34+08:00

What’s Your Relationship Legacy?

This isn’t an article about romance. It isn’t about marriage. But it is about relationships: true, authentic peer relationships. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t want ride the waves of life without them. At the Halftime Institute, we serve men and women going through a season of discernment and re-focusing. For many leaders, by mid-life, high-stakes busyness has crowded out heart-level connections and by the time they get to halftime, the deficit shows. If that describes you, then it’s time for a serious one-eighty. Relationships are

What’s Your Relationship Legacy?2018-02-13T15:12:46+08:00

FINDING CLARITY: The Secret Power of Heuristic Writing

"The Write Way to Find Clarity" I spend most days helping successful men and women find clarity for their second half. Clarity about their calling, about their spouse’s dreams and mission, and clarity about how they will measure the results. Any tool that helps them gain clarity is a friend of mine. There are a few secret weapons and one of the most powerful is Heuristic writing- “writing to explore and discover what I do not know.” A couple of weeks ago, I was speaking to a group in Southern

FINDING CLARITY: The Secret Power of Heuristic Writing2018-02-02T12:51:04+08:00
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