
Halftime Tips

G-R-O-W More Joy in Your Life

Much of our joy, or lack thereof, is related to clarity and focus, as I mentioned in my previous post. The lack of joy can often come from being frozen on the trigger of a decision in our lives. I’m not talking about “chicken or steak” decisions, but larger decisions like where to move, a commitment to truly get healthy, a new business to start, a new job to take, etc. We want to make a change, but we feel stuck. This inhibits joy and contributes to restlessness, discontent,

G-R-O-W More Joy in Your Life2018-01-18T12:09:14+08:00

Want Real Fulfillment in 2018? Get Energized!              

You might be surprised at the people who are bored, stressed out, or tired of their status quo.  Many of them have achieved the kind of success that we are all told to pursue in business school. They are running companies and filling up their bank accounts. Some have private planes and a few houses in all the right places. But, in spite of all that they have and achieved, the worry, routine and fixation on pursuing the American Dream just isn’t worth it any more. They’ve come to

Want Real Fulfillment in 2018? Get Energized!              2018-01-10T09:01:32+08:00

What to Do When You Find Yourself Asking “Is This All There Is?”

The late, great Peggy Lee used to sing a song that became a standard called “Is That All There Is?” Ms. Lee suggested in the song that if this is all there is, then “let’s just keep dancing and break out the booze and have a ball.” I am thinking there might be a better plan out there for those of us who have and will have come face to face with that daunting question. The seeds of confusion about what was truly important were planted early for me.

What to Do When You Find Yourself Asking “Is This All There Is?”2017-10-30T13:46:21+08:00

5 Common Questions About Halftime Answered

Let me begin by saying that I love what I do here at the Halftime Institute. I know that every day my work is making a difference in the lives of those we serve. People come to us at a critical time in their lives and we help them figure out what’s next for them in a way that allows them to use all of their gifts and talents to finish well. It doesn’t get better than that. As with all times of change that we go through,

5 Common Questions About Halftime Answered2018-02-01T21:57:08+08:00

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 2

I am always amazed at what happens when trouble shows up in a community, how people pull together and you see how many good folks there are out there that will never be on the evening news for their charitable works, but are as important as a President in the moment. When hurricane Harvey struck south Texas and began its slow crawl across the land, people began almost immediately doing remarkable things to help each other. And, as usual there were throngs of businesspeople who stepped into the gap

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 22017-10-03T15:15:27+08:00

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well

At the Halftime Institute we care more about how you’re doing 30 years from now, than 30 months from now. A few years back we created a 2-day experience for business leaders around the topic of "finishing your life well." We did it for several years in partnership with Jim Collins, the author of books like Good to Great -- about great leaders and great companies. After more than 25 years studying how great leaders help companies become great, Jim is also interested in why many of those great

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well2017-09-13T14:30:56+08:00

Three Critical Must-Haves for Successful Halftimers: Part One

Success in the halftime journey doesn’t just happen. It takes planning and persistence, and it has several elements that are critical to your success. Let’s zero in on three of them for the time being: A personal board of directors, a strong mission statement, and coaching.   Personal Board of Directors The first time I heard Bob Buford mention a personal board of directors, I thought to myself, “I’ve got that.” He was talking about a panel of trusted family, friends, and colleagues—people to speak truth into our lives.

Three Critical Must-Haves for Successful Halftimers: Part One2017-08-18T17:10:00+08:00

Thirty Bonus Years: What Will You Do With Them?

We’ve been given a great gift: More time on this planet than our forefathers. Lots more time. On average we’ll live thirty years longer. The big question is: What will we do with this tremendous gift of time we’ve been given? At the turn of the 20th Century, the average life span for men and women was around 50 years.  For many of those men and women, that half century was grueling: hard physical labor was the common experience and there was very little concept of “retirement.” Life was

Thirty Bonus Years: What Will You Do With Them?2017-07-28T10:59:46+08:00

In Light of Father’s Day, Be Relentless

How Your Schedule Could Be Sabotaging Your Parenting It’s about to be Father’s Day again, but in a way, every day in a family is Father’s Day. Fathers play a critical role in how the next generation turns out, and these days there are a lot of dads who are just not doing their duty. They are good people and they have the greatest of intentions, but the follow through is lacking somehow. I understand. I know the struggles firsthand. In some ways, the more successful you are, the

In Light of Father’s Day, Be Relentless2017-07-14T16:54:36+08:00

5 Indicators You’re in Halftime

“How I know for sure that I’m in the season Halftime?” I’m going to let you in on a little secret: there are 5 Indicators to help you discern if you’re in halftime. Every day I speak with men and women trying to discern if they are in the season of Halftime, and I listen for these indicators to know if we’re a good fit for them. When I was in the season, I was so confused and frustrated that I actually came running to the Halftime Institute

5 Indicators You’re in Halftime2017-12-22T11:50:26+08:00
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