

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Build on Islands of Health and Strength

BOB BUFORD is known for being the voice of a generation, a prolific author, speaker, and philanthropist whose immense and widespread contribution to business leadership, personal transformation, and the growth of the modern church cannot be measured. Bob’s book Halftime began a movement of an entire generation of successful business professionals transitioning to a LIFE OF EVEN GREATER SIGNIFICANCE and eventually to the creation of the Halftime Institute. Join us as we honor his legacy by exploring Bob Buford's Top Ten Values over the course of the year.

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Build on Islands of Health and Strength2020-07-30T11:03:36+08:00

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Work on What’s Trying to Happen

BOB BUFORD is known for being the voice of a generation, a prolific author, speaker, and philanthropist whose immense and widespread contribution to business leadership, personal transformation, and the growth of the modern church cannot be measured. Bob’s book Halftime began a movement of an entire generation of successful business professionals transitioning to a LIFE OF EVEN GREATER SIGNIFICANCE and eventually to the creation of the Halftime Institute. Join us as we honor his legacy by exploring Bob Buford's Top Ten Values over the course of the year.

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Work on What’s Trying to Happen2021-02-02T12:36:37+08:00

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Releasing and Directing Energy

BOB BUFORD is known for being the voice of a generation, a prolific author, speaker, and philanthropist whose immense and widespread contribution to business leadership, personal transformation, and the growth of the modern church cannot be measured. Bob’s book Halftime began a movement of an entire generation of successful business professionals transitioning to a LIFE OF EVEN GREATER SIGNIFICANCE and eventually to the creation of the Halftime Institute. Join us as we honor his legacy by exploring Bob Buford's Top Ten Values over the course of the year.

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Releasing and Directing Energy2020-05-29T11:28:42+08:00

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Structure Follows Strategy

BOB BUFORD is known for being the voice of a generation, a prolific author, speaker, and philanthropist whose immense and widespread contribution to business leadership, personal transformation, and the growth of the modern church cannot be measured. Bob’s book Halftime began a movement of an entire generation of successful business professionals transitioning to a LIFE OF EVEN GREATER SIGNIFICANCE and eventually to the creation of the Halftime Institute. Join us as we honor his legacy by exploring Bob Buford's Top Ten Values over the course of the year.

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Structure Follows Strategy2020-03-31T17:40:35+08:00

Five Critical Elements for Finishing Well

At the Halftime Institute we care more about how you’re doing 30 years from now, than 30 months from now. We want more for your impact than just a flash in the pan. Often, a flash in the pan does more harm than good to the people around you, forming dependencies that are unsustainable if life demands that you take a step back. There’s a big difference between heaving a healthy mid-life transition and finishing well. A few years back, we were prepping for a conference around the

Five Critical Elements for Finishing Well2019-12-19T10:52:47+08:00

Three Elements for Deeper, More Meaningful Family Holiday Gatherings

Holidays come and go every year with great predictability, but sometimes it's hard to know how to plan for these times to be as rich, joy-filled and meaningful as possible. Every family is unique. Families come in all different shapes and sizes, with one common theme...no family is perfect. No matter what state your family is in at the moment - crisis mode, thriving, or somewhere in between - you can take steps to maximize the opportunity that comes when loved ones are near. Part of making our

Three Elements for Deeper, More Meaningful Family Holiday Gatherings2019-11-22T15:32:59+08:00

Your Spouse’s Dreams May Be A Key to Your Halftime Calling

[Written by Lloyd Reeb, Halftime Founding Partner & Coach]  I am a hard-driving, goal-oriented person. But I hit a point in the mid-1990s where closing the next deal and cutting another ribbon just didn’t have the same appeal. And I began to ask, “Is there more to life than this?” and “What’s next for me?” I knew I needed a halftime – a time to refocus and make a game plan for the second half of life. Fast forward to today, and surprisingly enough, my second half has

Your Spouse’s Dreams May Be A Key to Your Halftime Calling2019-01-24T15:05:25+08:00


HEAR FROM REAL HALFTIME FELLOWS... ...He's an investment banker specializing in M&A negotiations ...He's Global VP at Proctor & Gamble... ...She's a C-Suite Executive in a Fortune 500 company... ...He's Pharmaceutical Exec... ABOUT WHAT QUESTIONS THEY WANTED TO SOLVE FOR...  "I felt unsettled about different aspects of my life" "What is next? How do I prepare for the next 20 years?" "What has God prepared me to do in my next season?" AND WHAT TRANSFORMED IN THEIR LIVES AS A RESULT OF THEIR FELLOWS EXPERIENCE! 



Reflections From A 20-Year Mentee of Bob Buford We all want to maximize our time on earth. Greater dividends in our relationships and our endeavors for the time and sweat equity we put in. Being a 20-year mentee of Bob Buford has taught me just that – how to have leveraged impact in all that I do.   Bob Buford was intent on a “100X return” - one hundred times the benefit or life change, as a result of giving his time and money to meet others’ needs. His standard wasn’t just multiplication - it was

10 KEYS TO MID-LIFE RENEWAL, Part 22018-05-17T15:51:22+08:00

Bestselling Author Bob Buford Dies—Leaving Legacy of Halftime Institute, Drucker Institute, and Leadership Network

Bob made himself tremendously useful with his time here among us, a generous man with a lasting impact on all who had the privilege to be touched by him and his example. He lived a life well spent, a life that mattered, a life that changed the lives of others. Bob’s life serves as a truly inspired testament to just how much impact one person can make. — Jim Collins Bob Buford, age 79, best-selling author, iconic pioneer and thought leader,

Bestselling Author Bob Buford Dies—Leaving Legacy of Halftime Institute, Drucker Institute, and Leadership Network2018-04-19T23:01:36+08:00
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