
Listening to God

Webinar: Turning Pain Into Purpose

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. Success is often driven by pain.  The pain of feeling like we could never measure up to someone’s expectations. The pain of a difficult childhood. The pain of the loss of a loved one. Any of these circumstances or many others may have caused you to bury your pain in performance.  Success can become a drug of choice to cope with the hurt. If you find yourself in a season of exploring what’s

Webinar: Turning Pain Into Purpose2020-06-11T14:35:30+08:00

Coffee with Lloyd: Building Your Tribe

We need people around us to finish well. The people we surround ourselves with and the books we read shape who we become. So, have you considered these questions as you've pursued your next season of impact? Who are the people you need around you on this journey to finish well?   Who are the people you love the most and how can you help them thrive on this journey? How can you include them in your exploration now? You’ve heard the African expression, “If you want to go fast go

Coffee with Lloyd: Building Your Tribe2020-10-02T14:24:30+08:00

Webinar: A Princeton Prof’s Wisdom for Engaging Your Adult Kids

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. If you are the parent of a Young Adult (18-35), or have a parent-like relationship with a Young Adult, you can likely relate to the challenges and opportunities for connecting with them as your role shifts from “authority” to “guide”. During this disruptive season, many Young Adults are wrestling with the first large-scale crisis of their adult lives. This gives Halftimers a unique opportunity to provide wisdom, perspective, and guidance

Webinar: A Princeton Prof’s Wisdom for Engaging Your Adult Kids2020-05-22T16:15:07+08:00

10 Conclusions on Crisis Leadership

By: Rod Stewart, Halftime CertifiedTM Coach I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what good, strong, Spirit-led leadership looks like in the midst of a crisis.  While watching a documentary on Franklin Delano Roosevelt and how he led our country out of the Great Depression with a combination of clarity, communication and innovation, I marveled at the way he stood up and took responsibility in the midst of fear. It was then that he delivered his famous line, ‘The only thing we have to fear, is fear

10 Conclusions on Crisis Leadership2020-05-15T13:56:15+08:00

Webinar: Lead Like It Matters to God

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. When crisis hits, it brings perspective about what matters and what doesn’t. It challenges our true inner beliefs and our courage to trust God.  As the world begins to re-open and you prepare to press the reset button on your business, this is the time to assess how grounded your leadership is in the eternal wisdom God offers. If our organizations are part of our life calling, then we need to

Webinar: Lead Like It Matters to God2020-05-15T15:24:12+08:00

Webinar: Finding Growth Opportunities Amid Disruption

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. To say that this season has been disruptive may feel like an understatement. Most businesses, ministries, and individuals have been forced to make difficult decisions. What to stop doing, who to let go – now, when to re-open? It’s much like pruning.    Halftime Institute Alumni around the world are leading some of the most critical, compassionate and impactful organizations serving quite literally millions of people – and we wonder: How

Webinar: Finding Growth Opportunities Amid Disruption2020-05-15T15:25:07+08:00

Coffee with Lloyd: Preparing to Reset Your Life

How can you prepare for the next season, post-coronavirus? What have you learned and what are the implications? What did Jesus say that might help you navigate the days ahead? Bob Buford, the founder of Halftime Institute, boiled his life mission down to fit on a T-shirt: 100X. The concept comes from a parable Jesus told about the soil (Mark 4). He taught us to view our life like soil – soil that has the potential to produce 100X yield. Bob Buford wanted to prepare the soil

Coffee with Lloyd: Preparing to Reset Your Life2020-05-01T11:29:17+08:00

How To: Be a Sur-thrivalist

By: Chip DeClue, Halftime CertifiedTM Coach In the midst of this COVID-19 crisis, it can often seem as if the world has stopped.  Plans for the future have been put on hold as uncertainty looms. Business trips, vacations, retirement plans, weddings… most postponed, many outright canceled. And the list goes on. This is especially true for those who are in the process of transitioning into the next season of life.   One Halftime client of mine lamented, “It feels like I’m in the halftime of Halftime. What should I

How To: Be a Sur-thrivalist2020-04-26T12:30:53+08:00

Webinar: Strategies For Serving Your Local Non-Profits

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. Naturally, our hearts are drawn to making a difference in our own community – particularly in times of crisis. But we may easily tire of the constant request for funding, especially when we feel that we have so much more to offer. The idea of writing a check for meals or funding rent for a family about to be evicted is a privilege, but it’s not leveraged.    David Weekley is Chairman

Webinar: Strategies For Serving Your Local Non-Profits2020-05-15T15:26:02+08:00

Webinar: Staying Mission Focused

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. From local charities and churches to the world’s largest non-governmental organizations (NGOs), most – if not all – nonprofits are struggling today as a result of the current crisis. Reduced funding, work-from-home restrictions, and workforce limitations put significant pressure on their ability to stay mission focused: serving others to meet various needs.   As one of the world’s largest NGOs, World Vision finds itself fighting the same battles many of

Webinar: Staying Mission Focused2020-05-15T15:27:11+08:00
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