
Listening to God

How God Surprised Me in Halftime

“So what is God showing you?” Those were the words my Halftime Coach asked shortly into our scheduled call. Two months earlier I had attended a Halftime Institute Launch Event, gotten clarity around a personal mission statement to guide me, and formulated a game plan for moving forward in my journey "from success to significance.” In my business career, strategy and planning always seemed to come easily. I would ask myself: Where are we today, where do we want to be, and how do we get from here to

How God Surprised Me in Halftime2018-07-23T14:09:11+08:00

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?

How does the Halftime Institute equip leaders to get CLEAR, get FREE, and get GOING? Hear from 3 Halftime clients as they share how their Halftime program transformed their lives and helped them figure out "What's next?" and "How do I take my talents and time and make a difference in the world?" SCOTT BOYER realized he had a "whisper, a dormant calling". He had spent his career in Big Pharma and through the halftime process decided to stay in the industry and launch his

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?2018-07-23T14:10:57+08:00

Q&A: How We Can Hear From God in the Season of Halftime

Hearing from God in our halftime journey is key. Having confirmation that we are headed in the right direction gives us peace and courage. In this Q&A, I'll share some of my story and some observations I've made over the years about listening to God. My hope is that it resonates and proves useful to you on your journey. If you want to continue the conversation about your halftime journey, and how our team can help, please don't hesitate to contact us.   Why do we want and need

Q&A: How We Can Hear From God in the Season of Halftime2018-01-04T20:42:56+08:00
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