
Lloyd Reeb

Webinar: Leveraging Your Leadership (Latino Leaders + Halftime)

How can YOU leverage your leadership for greater impact? At Halftime we're here to provide a space for you to connect with others, answer this question, and develop an intentional strategy for living it out in the next season. To do so, we've partnered with Latino Leaders Magazine to bring you a conversation you won't want to miss. Watch the replay to hear stories of life transformation and glean valuable wisdom from these featured Halftime Alumni: Hugo Cuesta: Chief Executive Officer, Cuesta Campos Attorneys at Law  Carlos

Webinar: Leveraging Your Leadership (Latino Leaders + Halftime)2021-02-08T12:52:50+08:00

Webinar: Best Practices to Navigate the News

The daily news cycle can be a source of great disruption in our lives. It can mix conflict and isolation into our most valued relationships... But what if the news became an anvil on which our faith and values were forged? As Halftimers, positive growth and thriving relationships are top priorities in the next season. And yet, our roles and influence change as our relationships evolve. One challenge we hear more and more from Halftimers is: How can I help myself and the people in my life

Webinar: Best Practices to Navigate the News2021-01-28T17:32:33+08:00

Q&A: Transformative Influence

An Interview with Walt Rakowich, Author of Transfluence and Halftime Alum: Leaders confronting the current social and economic challenges could learn a lot from a CEO who survived the Great Recession of 2008 by transforming his company’s culture. Halftime alum Walt Rakowich is that CEO, and the lessons from his story are greatly applicable today. Walt was appointed CEO of global real estate company Prologis at the height of the Great Recession of 2008. At the time of his appointment, the company's stock had

Q&A: Transformative Influence2020-10-26T16:49:21+08:00

Webinar: Finding Leverage Through Partnerships

If you are in the housing industry or have an interest in the application of franchising principles to the non-profit world, let me introduce you to two Halftimers who are finding leverage through partnerships: DAVE KEIL of Franworth is an expert in franchising. His Halftime mission is around using that expertise to help replicate causes that bring spiritual and practical help to people. He calls it Franchise for Good.  PAT HAMILL leads a world-class home building organization, Oakwood Homes, and uses it as a platform for BuildStrong Academy; training

Webinar: Finding Leverage Through Partnerships2020-09-21T14:17:28+08:00

Webinar: Finding Financial Freedom

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. There is a big difference between financial independence and financial freedom.  If you are wrestling with the question how much is enough?, then this helpful conversation is for you. Ron Blue, Founder of Kingdom Advisors, and Ronald Blue & Company (now Ronald Blue Trust), CEO of Ron Blue Institute, and Author of 20+ books is a Halftime Alum who knows that the Bible offers simple but challenging steps to financial freedom

Webinar: Finding Financial Freedom2020-07-15T11:03:27+08:00

Webinar: Turning Pain Into Purpose

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. Success is often driven by pain.  The pain of feeling like we could never measure up to someone’s expectations. The pain of a difficult childhood. The pain of the loss of a loved one. Any of these circumstances or many others may have caused you to bury your pain in performance.  Success can become a drug of choice to cope with the hurt. If you find yourself in a season of exploring what’s

Webinar: Turning Pain Into Purpose2020-06-11T14:35:30+08:00

Coffee with Lloyd: Building Your Tribe

We need people around us to finish well. The people we surround ourselves with and the books we read shape who we become. So, have you considered these questions as you've pursued your next season of impact? Who are the people you need around you on this journey to finish well?   Who are the people you love the most and how can you help them thrive on this journey? How can you include them in your exploration now? You’ve heard the African expression, “If you want to go fast go

Coffee with Lloyd: Building Your Tribe2020-10-02T14:24:30+08:00

Webinar: A Princeton Prof’s Wisdom for Engaging Your Adult Kids

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. If you are the parent of a Young Adult (18-35), or have a parent-like relationship with a Young Adult, you can likely relate to the challenges and opportunities for connecting with them as your role shifts from “authority” to “guide”. During this disruptive season, many Young Adults are wrestling with the first large-scale crisis of their adult lives. This gives Halftimers a unique opportunity to provide wisdom, perspective, and guidance

Webinar: A Princeton Prof’s Wisdom for Engaging Your Adult Kids2020-05-22T16:15:07+08:00

Webinar: Lead Like It Matters to God

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. When crisis hits, it brings perspective about what matters and what doesn’t. It challenges our true inner beliefs and our courage to trust God.  As the world begins to re-open and you prepare to press the reset button on your business, this is the time to assess how grounded your leadership is in the eternal wisdom God offers. If our organizations are part of our life calling, then we need to

Webinar: Lead Like It Matters to God2020-05-15T15:24:12+08:00

Webinar: Finding Growth Opportunities Amid Disruption

This episode is part of our special webinar series on Using Your Platform For Good In Crisis. To say that this season has been disruptive may feel like an understatement. Most businesses, ministries, and individuals have been forced to make difficult decisions. What to stop doing, who to let go – now, when to re-open? It’s much like pruning.    Halftime Institute Alumni around the world are leading some of the most critical, compassionate and impactful organizations serving quite literally millions of people – and we wonder: How

Webinar: Finding Growth Opportunities Amid Disruption2020-05-15T15:25:07+08:00
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