
Lloyd Reeb

5 Essential Questions For Leaders Seeking Lasting Friendships…

Do you have lots of acquaintances, some buddies, but few (if any) deep, lasting friendships? You’re not alone. For one, I can relate. And I see it often in the hard-driving achievers that I coach. Many leaders reach midlife and discover that intimacy has been squeezed out of their marriage, family and friendships. Yet I’ve found that a reflective leader will realize that this is a key measure of success that needs attention for a fulfilling and meaningful second half. Out of intimacy comes trust, understanding, romance. What is

5 Essential Questions For Leaders Seeking Lasting Friendships…2018-12-21T09:28:09+08:00

Do You Ask This Persistent and Haunting Question?

by Halftime Fellows Alum, Griff Jones   It’s easy to keep moving forward, isn’t it? But I have learned that sometimes it’s best to stop, press the pause button, rethink, and get intentional about why we are here. Entrepreneurship is in the fiber of my being. We started our company, Twin Eagle Resource Management, in 2010. Twin Eagle is a recognized leader in the wholesale marketing of energy-related commodities including natural gas, power, and liquids. I am grateful for the success we have enjoyed over the years. I have

Do You Ask This Persistent and Haunting Question?2018-11-20T15:45:34+08:00


Reflections From A 20-Year Mentee of Bob Buford We all want to maximize our time on earth. Greater dividends in our relationships and our endeavors for the time and sweat equity we put in. Being a 20-year mentee of Bob Buford has taught me just that – how to have leveraged impact in all that I do.   Bob Buford was intent on a “100X return” - one hundred times the benefit or life change, as a result of giving his time and money to meet others’ needs. His standard wasn’t just multiplication - it was

10 KEYS TO MID-LIFE RENEWAL, Part 22018-05-17T15:51:22+08:00


  Reflections From A 20-Year Mentee of Bob Buford Two weeks before my friend and mentor Bob Buford passed away, I took a day of silence. A day alone with God in the beauty of historic Pinehurst, North Carolina. For some reason, I brought my whole file of notes, learnings and conversations with Bob over our 20-year partnership. In 1998, we locked arms to build the Halftime Institute, but he shaped my mind and heart along the way. A typical mentoring time would be a 90-minute breakfast at the

10 KEYS TO MID-LIFE RENEWAL, Part 12018-06-06T02:28:34+08:00

What Makes A Marriage Thrive In Your Second Half May Surprise You

7 Tips to Put Into Practice Today I’ve been studying what it takes to thrive in our second half and to finish well. I want to finish life strong but at 56 I also want to know more about how people finish well. I’ve been studying this over the past 20 years of coaching high-capacity leaders and couples. From my observation, having people around me who will encourage and challenge me is one essential ingredient. A second is being in alignment with my spouse and putting her interests ahead

What Makes A Marriage Thrive In Your Second Half May Surprise You2018-03-22T11:38:01+08:00

Key Metrics for Thriving Relationships

Metrics and relationships seem like oil and water, don’t they? The very idea of using metrics in a relationship seems at first glance a little cold and calculating. And yet the truth is we measure our relationships all the time: How we feel a friend or spouse responded to a comment we made over dinner out last night; or, they don't reach out to me as often as I reach out to them, etc. These are all measurements. And, they help us calibrate and manage our friendships. In our

Key Metrics for Thriving Relationships2018-02-28T11:43:59+08:00

FINDING CLARITY: The Secret Power of Heuristic Writing

"The Write Way to Find Clarity" I spend most days helping successful men and women find clarity for their second half. Clarity about their calling, about their spouse’s dreams and mission, and clarity about how they will measure the results. Any tool that helps them gain clarity is a friend of mine. There are a few secret weapons and one of the most powerful is Heuristic writing- “writing to explore and discover what I do not know.” A couple of weeks ago, I was speaking to a group in Southern

FINDING CLARITY: The Secret Power of Heuristic Writing2018-02-02T12:51:04+08:00

3 Keys to Mid-Life Renewal

While the journey of mid-life renewal is common all over the world, every person’s second half calling is somehow unique. People from all professional and personal backgrounds tend to make some common mistakes when they come to this season of mid-life renewal. Regardless of your first half career, these three keys will significantly improve the chances of you making a smooth transition to Life II. 1. Recognize that you need renewal at mid-life, and begin working on it earlier than you think is necessary. Here’s why: It’s hard to

3 Keys to Mid-Life Renewal2018-01-18T12:16:46+08:00

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well

At the Halftime Institute we care more about how you’re doing 30 years from now, than 30 months from now. A few years back we created a 2-day experience for business leaders around the topic of "finishing your life well." We did it for several years in partnership with Jim Collins, the author of books like Good to Great -- about great leaders and great companies. After more than 25 years studying how great leaders help companies become great, Jim is also interested in why many of those great

5 Key Elements of Finishing Well2017-09-13T14:30:56+08:00

Thirty Bonus Years: What Will You Do With Them?

We’ve been given a great gift: More time on this planet than our forefathers. Lots more time. On average we’ll live thirty years longer. The big question is: What will we do with this tremendous gift of time we’ve been given? At the turn of the 20th Century, the average life span for men and women was around 50 years.  For many of those men and women, that half century was grueling: hard physical labor was the common experience and there was very little concept of “retirement.” Life was

Thirty Bonus Years: What Will You Do With Them?2017-07-28T10:59:46+08:00
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