
Power of Coaching

3 Biblical Principles for Pursuing Financial Freedom

By: Dean Niewolny, Chief Executive Officer of Halftime Institute Is pursuing success and the accumulation of wealth “okay” for Christians? For years, many have wrestled with this question. However, the root of the matter is less about how much money you have, and more about where your heart is. If God has given you the ability to make money, and it’s His money anyway, the question then becomes what are you doing with that money for Kingdom purposes?  Rather than encouraging you to sell your belongings and

3 Biblical Principles for Pursuing Financial Freedom2020-07-17T10:53:53+08:00

10 Conclusions on Crisis Leadership

By: Rod Stewart, Halftime CertifiedTM Coach I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what good, strong, Spirit-led leadership looks like in the midst of a crisis.  While watching a documentary on Franklin Delano Roosevelt and how he led our country out of the Great Depression with a combination of clarity, communication and innovation, I marveled at the way he stood up and took responsibility in the midst of fear. It was then that he delivered his famous line, ‘The only thing we have to fear, is fear

10 Conclusions on Crisis Leadership2020-05-15T13:56:15+08:00

How To: Be a Sur-thrivalist

By: Chip DeClue, Halftime CertifiedTM Coach In the midst of this COVID-19 crisis, it can often seem as if the world has stopped.  Plans for the future have been put on hold as uncertainty looms. Business trips, vacations, retirement plans, weddings… most postponed, many outright canceled. And the list goes on. This is especially true for those who are in the process of transitioning into the next season of life.   One Halftime client of mine lamented, “It feels like I’m in the halftime of Halftime. What should I

How To: Be a Sur-thrivalist2020-04-26T12:30:53+08:00

Feeling Unsettled? 3 First Steps to Figuring Out What’s Next

What do you do when you’ve solved complex problems your whole career, yet you get to a point where you can’t put together the puzzle pieces of your own future path? It is an unsettling place to be for sure. It happened to me, and it happens to most successful leaders in mid-life. You sense a shift of some sort is needed. You feel discontent and restless. But when you try to determine what your next move will be, you are uncertain and confused. Can you relate? Several years

Feeling Unsettled? 3 First Steps to Figuring Out What’s Next2019-10-25T09:56:22+08:00

Before You Make a Halftime Transition: 5 Practical Steps to Detox

You know you need a change. But how? And where to start? You’re so used to running on adrenaline. Under the surface, you feel like you just want to escape. You want peace. You want rest. And you want to devote yourself to something that truly matters. You’re not alone. I felt that way when I went through a Halftime season, and we see it in many leaders who come through the Halftime Institute. We call it “smoldering discontent”. But how do you go from smoldering to joyful

Before You Make a Halftime Transition: 5 Practical Steps to Detox2019-08-22T17:54:04+08:00

4 Warning Signs You Need to Detox from the Rat Race (And Where to Start)

“I feel trapped. And you know I can’t talk to anyone else about this, Rod” he said to me. “I can’t afford to show weakness. It could cost too much with the people I’m leading.” I had just wrapped up a coaching session with a client talking about the frenzied pace of his life, the burden of responsibilities, and how he felt trapped, like everyone wanted something from him. Can you relate? So many leaders I coach these days come to me because they find themselves leading lives of

4 Warning Signs You Need to Detox from the Rat Race (And Where to Start)2019-06-30T17:40:47+08:00

Tragedy to Transformation: Interview with John Ramstead, HT Alum

John Ramstead’s first half experiences were diverse and adventurous, but nothing compared to what he encountered in mid-life. Imagine this: John started out in the United States Navy where he served as a fighter pilot. Then he transitioned to an entrepreneur and then to leading a Fortune 500 management team. Then life threw him an enormous curve ball - a tragic accident that no one thought he would come back from. After 23 surgeries, he not only survived, but he now lives a very full life and

Tragedy to Transformation: Interview with John Ramstead, HT Alum2019-06-05T11:55:41+08:00

Preventing Burnout & Making A Profound Impact in Your Second Half: Alum Lisa Payne Shares Her Journey

“We build our careers in isolation. I was a CFO and I did it on my own. But in your second half community becomes much more important. There’s such an instant connection when you say ‘I did Halftime.’”  - Lisa Payne, Halftime Alum   Halftime is a time to re-calibrate, to determine a new score card, and to build a future of profound impact. First, you must get clear on where you are headed. But then what? After you gain clarity on your second half focus, how do you

Preventing Burnout & Making A Profound Impact in Your Second Half: Alum Lisa Payne Shares Her Journey2019-04-05T17:07:16+08:00

Do You Ask This Persistent and Haunting Question?

by Halftime Fellows Alum, Griff Jones   It’s easy to keep moving forward, isn’t it? But I have learned that sometimes it’s best to stop, press the pause button, rethink, and get intentional about why we are here. Entrepreneurship is in the fiber of my being. We started our company, Twin Eagle Resource Management, in 2010. Twin Eagle is a recognized leader in the wholesale marketing of energy-related commodities including natural gas, power, and liquids. I am grateful for the success we have enjoyed over the years. I have

Do You Ask This Persistent and Haunting Question?2018-11-20T15:45:34+08:00

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?

How does the Halftime Institute equip leaders to get CLEAR, get FREE, and get GOING? Hear from 3 Halftime clients as they share how their Halftime program transformed their lives and helped them figure out "What's next?" and "How do I take my talents and time and make a difference in the world?" SCOTT BOYER realized he had a "whisper, a dormant calling". He had spent his career in Big Pharma and through the halftime process decided to stay in the industry and launch his

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?2018-07-23T14:10:57+08:00
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