
Power of Coaching

Alumni Spotlight: John Ramstead Goes From Tragedy to Transformation

What have you been surprised by in your second half? Each month, we highlight a story of a Halftime Institute Alum in the hopes that their story will encourage and inspire many others in their second half journeys. Our alumni network, which we affectionately refer to as “Halftime Nation,” is full of surprises. Two really pleasant ways I’ve been surprised in the last year are the subject of this month’s alumni spotlight. First, I’m constantly surprised by the diversity of the people who have benefitted from (or are currently

Alumni Spotlight: John Ramstead Goes From Tragedy to Transformation2017-08-09T22:23:07+08:00

What is Keeping You From Truly Living?

“The Western world is awash with plenty. People living in those countries have more choices in the cereal aisle of their local grocery store than most people have in their entire lives. But has [this] created contentment and fulfillment?” – Gary A. Miller, PhD In 1913, Arthur “Pop” Momand highlighted the side effects of the American Dream that urges us to do things in order to impress other people and create a sense of social standing. His cartoon strip, Keeping Up with the Joneses, followed the McGinis family as

What is Keeping You From Truly Living?2017-07-20T10:20:23+08:00

My Halftime Coach Changed My Life: Tom Cooper

Do you wonder whether a year of coaching is worth investing in as you explore your second half purpose in life? Tom Cooper does. So much so that he was willing to share his story and the impact his coach has had on his Halftime journey. He hopes to encourage others to take advantage of this powerful element of the Halftime Experience. Mr. Cooper is a successful executive who has made the transition from “success to significance,” serving God most recently by spearheading an affiliate of  New Horizons Southwest

My Halftime Coach Changed My Life: Tom Cooper2016-11-18T12:17:32+08:00


By Jeff Spadafora, Director of Global Coaching Services Taking the cowboy approach to your second half? U.S. President Herbert Hoover created a romantic notion of the American ethic when he coined the phrase “rugged individualism.”  In the business world (both in the U.S. and internationally) there’s a similar value – “the boot-strapping, self-made millionaire” – that permeates the business person’s psyche. Many successful people attribute their success to attitudes such as independence, self-reliance, courage, hustle, and aggressiveness. While this may have been their mindset, I have found with further questioning, for

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