

Thirty Bonus Years: What Will You Do With Them?

We’ve been given a great gift: More time on this planet than our forefathers. Lots more time. On average we’ll live thirty years longer. The big question is: What will we do with this tremendous gift of time we’ve been given? At the turn of the 20th Century, the average life span for men and women was around 50 years.  For many of those men and women, that half century was grueling: hard physical labor was the common experience and there was very little concept of “retirement.” Life was

Thirty Bonus Years: What Will You Do With Them?2017-07-28T10:59:46+08:00

How to Create Your Personal Board of Directors

Navigating this mid-life adventure called halftime is a journey like no other. Doing it alone is a trap that many fall into, hindering their potential for balance, impact and joy in their second half of life. Creating a Personal Board of Directors is an effective way to avoid the common pitfalls and roadblocks that I’ve seen derail people along the way. In my previous article, 4 Reasons You Need a Personal Board of Directors, I outline how a Personal Board of Directors can be helpful and provide long-term benefits to

How to Create Your Personal Board of Directors2017-07-14T17:19:19+08:00

5 Key Guidelines to Making Wise Philanthropic Choices

Earlier this year, we gathered several Halftime couples who give strategically and significantly and encouraged them to share with each other their best practices, challenges, etc. As is usual when I gather with folks of this caliber I learned WAY more than I expected. Each of these five topics yielded enough for a chapter in a book on philanthropy, but here are the highlights: 1)  KNOW YOUR PHILANTHROPIC MISSION -- A mission statement is as important to philanthropic success as it is to business or personal success. Whether your annual giving

5 Key Guidelines to Making Wise Philanthropic Choices2017-07-20T10:43:16+08:00

What will make your second half joyful? (Joy Model Series, Part 3)

What’s the difference between Bigfoot, unicorns, and discovering your calling? Two of them are myths and one is for real. If you are a follower of Jesus, you do, in fact, have a calling and it will always be consistent with advancing God’s plan for humanity. The Bible talks about calling this way: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do the good works planned in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10). And what are those good works? Jesus gave us a clear agenda that

What will make your second half joyful? (Joy Model Series, Part 3)2017-07-20T10:46:50+08:00

What will you be remembered for? (The Joy Model Series, Part 2)

One spring break, my wife, Michelle, and I took the kids to Disney World. My mom and dad were with us, and we ran into a guy who had played football for my dad. My dad was a high school football coach in Massachusetts for more than thirty years. This former player, ten to twelve years older than I, was with his extended family on vacation too. So there we were, a gaggle of New Englanders all from the same small town unexpectedly bumping into each other and reminiscing.

What will you be remembered for? (The Joy Model Series, Part 2)2017-07-20T10:51:11+08:00

Why know your second half calling? (Joy Model Series, Part 1)

“But why do you want to know your second half calling?” It’s a question I’ve been asking – in so many words-- the past 4-5 years as I help men and women figure out their next season of life, their second half calling. The impetus for asking it came from an ongoing conversation I was having with Paul McGinnis, who is currently a certified Halftime coach and the COO of the Halftime Institute. At the time, he was enrolled at the Halftime Institute and I was coaching him. You

Why know your second half calling? (Joy Model Series, Part 1)2017-07-20T10:52:41+08:00

New Book Coming Soon: The Joy Model

Dean Niewolny shares about a new book by Halftime Director of Global Coaching, Jeff Spadafora.  Have you ever wondered why you’re not experiencing the joy and peace God promises? I was staring face to face with this question in 2006. I remember looking out of the window of my corner office in downtown Chicago. I was a leader in the financial services sector, overseeing a thriving business of over $100M. I remember thinking, “I should be the happiest person in the world. By society’s standpoint, I have made it.

New Book Coming Soon: The Joy Model2017-07-20T10:54:48+08:00
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