
The Joy Model

G-R-O-W More Joy in Your Life

Much of our joy, or lack thereof, is related to clarity and focus, as I mentioned in my previous post. The lack of joy can often come from being frozen on the trigger of a decision in our lives. I’m not talking about “chicken or steak” decisions, but larger decisions like where to move, a commitment to truly get healthy, a new business to start, a new job to take, etc. We want to make a change, but we feel stuck. This inhibits joy and contributes to restlessness, discontent,

G-R-O-W More Joy in Your Life2018-01-18T12:09:14+08:00

5 Steps to A More Focused and Joyful Life

Another new year is here. Time to ponder where we are and where we want to go in 2018. However 2017 was for you, let me encourage you with this: You can have a joy, impact and balance in the New Year. But, you are going to have to be proactive and you are going to have to get past the one barrier that shows up in almost all of my twelve-plus years of coaching here at the Halftime Institute: A lack of focus. In my experience, the most

5 Steps to A More Focused and Joyful Life2018-01-11T17:03:05+08:00

Want Real Fulfillment in 2018? Get Energized!              

You might be surprised at the people who are bored, stressed out, or tired of their status quo.  Many of them have achieved the kind of success that we are all told to pursue in business school. They are running companies and filling up their bank accounts. Some have private planes and a few houses in all the right places. But, in spite of all that they have and achieved, the worry, routine and fixation on pursuing the American Dream just isn’t worth it any more. They’ve come to

Want Real Fulfillment in 2018? Get Energized!              2018-01-10T09:01:32+08:00

Battling Busyness: How to Align Your Daily Priorities with Your Lifelong Values

We all have deeply held things we believe in that are in our DNA. For the most part, you and I know what’s right for us, but acting upon it on a daily basis can be challenging. Distractions are a big part of the problem and there are a lot of those today, aren’t there? I heard recently that if you are a knowledge worker you are interrupted every 11 minutes on average by some form of communication. I would guess that number is not far off the mark

Battling Busyness: How to Align Your Daily Priorities with Your Lifelong Values2017-09-06T16:47:27+08:00

How to Cultivate a More Joyful Life

Margin in our calendars means having or creating extra time in our lives to do something other than the things we are currently doing. The problem is that most people think that creating margin is a matter of time management and delegation strategies. Although some of that may be required in our journey toward joy, the real challenge lies deeper in our hearts. The problem with an efficiency paradigm toward margin is that while it helps us do what we are already doing faster, it is not helping us

How to Cultivate a More Joyful Life2017-09-19T13:58:00+08:00

How To Have A More Focused Life

After more than a dozen years of coaching people through the Halftime Institute, I see a trend, an obvious and recurring barrier to a life of joy, impact and balance: a lack of focus. The truth is, we all struggle with focus on a daily basis. It’s not a stretch to say that there are more available distractions in our lives now than ever. Did you know that the average knowledge worker in the U.S. is interrupted every 11 minutes by some form of communication or another? In this

How To Have A More Focused Life2017-09-12T10:30:56+08:00

What will make your second half joyful? (Joy Model Series, Part 3)

What’s the difference between Bigfoot, unicorns, and discovering your calling? Two of them are myths and one is for real. If you are a follower of Jesus, you do, in fact, have a calling and it will always be consistent with advancing God’s plan for humanity. The Bible talks about calling this way: “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do the good works planned in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10). And what are those good works? Jesus gave us a clear agenda that

What will make your second half joyful? (Joy Model Series, Part 3)2017-07-20T10:46:50+08:00

What will you be remembered for? (The Joy Model Series, Part 2)

One spring break, my wife, Michelle, and I took the kids to Disney World. My mom and dad were with us, and we ran into a guy who had played football for my dad. My dad was a high school football coach in Massachusetts for more than thirty years. This former player, ten to twelve years older than I, was with his extended family on vacation too. So there we were, a gaggle of New Englanders all from the same small town unexpectedly bumping into each other and reminiscing.

What will you be remembered for? (The Joy Model Series, Part 2)2017-07-20T10:51:11+08:00

Why know your second half calling? (Joy Model Series, Part 1)

“But why do you want to know your second half calling?” It’s a question I’ve been asking – in so many words-- the past 4-5 years as I help men and women figure out their next season of life, their second half calling. The impetus for asking it came from an ongoing conversation I was having with Paul McGinnis, who is currently a certified Halftime coach and the COO of the Halftime Institute. At the time, he was enrolled at the Halftime Institute and I was coaching him. You

Why know your second half calling? (Joy Model Series, Part 1)2017-07-20T10:52:41+08:00

New Book Coming Soon: The Joy Model

Dean Niewolny shares about a new book by Halftime Director of Global Coaching, Jeff Spadafora.  Have you ever wondered why you’re not experiencing the joy and peace God promises? I was staring face to face with this question in 2006. I remember looking out of the window of my corner office in downtown Chicago. I was a leader in the financial services sector, overseeing a thriving business of over $100M. I remember thinking, “I should be the happiest person in the world. By society’s standpoint, I have made it.

New Book Coming Soon: The Joy Model2017-07-20T10:54:48+08:00
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