

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Three Questions to Reflect + Refocus

By: Dr. Rhonda Kehlbeck, Vice President of Admissions at Halftime Institute  “Who is our customer? What does the customer consider value? What is our business?” -Bob Buford (1939-2018) Why do these questions hold so much weight? In order to stay focused on your mission, it’s important to take time to regularly return to these musings originally posed by Peter Drucker. When Bob Buford was with us, he would continually bring us back to these simple, but very significant questions. The reason?

Bob Buford’s Top Ten Values: Three Questions to Reflect + Refocus2020-12-18T20:59:59+08:00

4 Warning Signs You Need to Detox from the Rat Race (And Where to Start)

“I feel trapped. And you know I can’t talk to anyone else about this, Rod” he said to me. “I can’t afford to show weakness. It could cost too much with the people I’m leading.” I had just wrapped up a coaching session with a client talking about the frenzied pace of his life, the burden of responsibilities, and how he felt trapped, like everyone wanted something from him. Can you relate? So many leaders I coach these days come to me because they find themselves leading lives of

4 Warning Signs You Need to Detox from the Rat Race (And Where to Start)2019-06-30T17:40:47+08:00

Preventing Burnout & Making A Profound Impact in Your Second Half: Alum Lisa Payne Shares Her Journey

“We build our careers in isolation. I was a CFO and I did it on my own. But in your second half community becomes much more important. There’s such an instant connection when you say ‘I did Halftime.’”  - Lisa Payne, Halftime Alum   Halftime is a time to re-calibrate, to determine a new score card, and to build a future of profound impact. First, you must get clear on where you are headed. But then what? After you gain clarity on your second half focus, how do you

Preventing Burnout & Making A Profound Impact in Your Second Half: Alum Lisa Payne Shares Her Journey2019-04-05T17:07:16+08:00

Do You Ask This Persistent and Haunting Question?

by Halftime Fellows Alum, Griff Jones   It’s easy to keep moving forward, isn’t it? But I have learned that sometimes it’s best to stop, press the pause button, rethink, and get intentional about why we are here. Entrepreneurship is in the fiber of my being. We started our company, Twin Eagle Resource Management, in 2010. Twin Eagle is a recognized leader in the wholesale marketing of energy-related commodities including natural gas, power, and liquids. I am grateful for the success we have enjoyed over the years. I have

Do You Ask This Persistent and Haunting Question?2018-11-20T15:45:34+08:00

NEW VIDEO: How Does the Fellow’s Program Transform Families?

At the Halftime Institute, our Fellows Program not only focuses on helping individuals develop their passions and hone in on their talents but also includes their spouse and family. Our goal is to ensure your entire family thrives as you go through this process. As one Fellows Spouse, Sasha Clements, says, "I needed to turn my dreamer back on. I learned more about not just what [Halftime] could do for Chris but what it could do for me, what it could do for our family."

NEW VIDEO: How Does the Fellow’s Program Transform Families?2018-07-23T14:10:22+08:00

What to Do When You Find Yourself Asking “Is This All There Is?”

The late, great Peggy Lee used to sing a song that became a standard called “Is That All There Is?” Ms. Lee suggested in the song that if this is all there is, then “let’s just keep dancing and break out the booze and have a ball.” I am thinking there might be a better plan out there for those of us who have and will have come face to face with that daunting question. The seeds of confusion about what was truly important were planted early for me.

What to Do When You Find Yourself Asking “Is This All There Is?”2017-10-30T13:46:21+08:00

3 Keys to Mid-Life Renewal

While the journey of mid-life renewal is common all over the world, every person’s second half calling is somehow unique. People from all professional and personal backgrounds tend to make some common mistakes when they come to this season of mid-life renewal. Regardless of your first half career, these three keys will significantly improve the chances of you making a smooth transition to Life II. 1. Recognize that you need renewal at mid-life, and begin working on it earlier than you think is necessary. Here’s why: It’s hard to

3 Keys to Mid-Life Renewal2018-01-18T12:16:46+08:00

HT Alum Steve Nooyen Made God the CEO of His Company – Then the Real Adventure Began

Most people don’t begin intentionally planning for their second half of life while in their first half, much less at the outset of their career. Such was not the case for Halftime alum Steve Nooyen. Newly married and stepping off the starting line of his career at the age of 22, he clearly recalls outlining a set of goals for his future: Start a company by age 30. Run that company for 20 years. Make a transition after those 20 years are complete. Little did Steve know, he was

HT Alum Steve Nooyen Made God the CEO of His Company – Then the Real Adventure Began2017-11-08T13:52:13+08:00

5 Common Questions About Halftime Answered

Let me begin by saying that I love what I do here at the Halftime Institute. I know that every day my work is making a difference in the lives of those we serve. People come to us at a critical time in their lives and we help them figure out what’s next for them in a way that allows them to use all of their gifts and talents to finish well. It doesn’t get better than that. As with all times of change that we go through,

5 Common Questions About Halftime Answered2018-02-01T21:57:08+08:00

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 2

I am always amazed at what happens when trouble shows up in a community, how people pull together and you see how many good folks there are out there that will never be on the evening news for their charitable works, but are as important as a President in the moment. When hurricane Harvey struck south Texas and began its slow crawl across the land, people began almost immediately doing remarkable things to help each other. And, as usual there were throngs of businesspeople who stepped into the gap

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 22017-10-03T15:15:27+08:00
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