

This Is My Halftime Story: Katherine Huske

  Katherine Huske knows that trusting in God can bring order out of chaos. He has done it in her life and calls her to do it in the lives of others. Katherine became a Christian at the relatively late age of 40. Living in Maui, with what would seem to others the perfect life—a beautiful husband and son, money, a great job and a nice home—her life was far from perfect. In fact, she had made the decision to walk away from it all when a business associate

This Is My Halftime Story: Katherine Huske2018-01-04T14:27:04+08:00


       By Dean Niewolny, President and CEO of the Halftime Institute David was an unlikely champion, sent by his father to the battlefield to not necessarily fight Goliath, but to take provisions to his brothers and their captains and report back. A father would not typically send his teenage son into a campaign such as this, much less to fight the champion of the Philistine army one-on-one. Prior to this, David was chosen by God and anointed by Samuel to become king of Israel. Can you imagine David leaving

IS THERE NOT A CAUSE… FOR ME?2018-01-04T14:29:24+08:00

It’s Time To Say No

By Diane Paddison, Halftime Institute Alumnus and Founder of 4word Women Everyone I know experiences some kind of pressure to do more, whether at work, with family, at church or with countless worthy causes. We live in a culture that values achievement so highly, it's nearly impossible to imagine not loading up our plates with responsibilities. We pressure ourselves, too. We pressure ourselves with unreasonable expectations, with false comparisons to what we imagine or assume others are handling. Our choices and circumstances are leading to a growing number of professionals who are

It’s Time To Say No2016-03-23T16:16:41+08:00

This Is My Halftime Story: Brad Jeffery

Being on the Forefront of Cause Consumerism Brad Jeffery is a man with a cause. As the founder, President and CEO of CAUSEGEAR (an L3C low profit social enterprise), his mission in life is to bring justice to the lives of the poverty-stricken people in majority world countries. His journey to discovering what true justice means has been long but fruitful, not only for him but for the many changed lives that testify of his influence. Involved in a family business for most of his life, he enjoyed that

This Is My Halftime Story: Brad Jeffery2018-01-04T22:11:32+08:00

Who Are The Joneses Anyway? – Part 3

By Bob and Susan Karcher, Authors, Who Are the Joneses Anyway? Read Part 1 & Part 2 “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.” Ephesians 1:11 (MSG) Is it possible to have too much of a good thing? The answer to this has less to do with the amount of what we have and more to do with why we have it and what we do with it. We are familiar with the idea that too much of a good thing can

Who Are The Joneses Anyway? – Part 32018-06-25T13:27:43+08:00

My Halftime Coach Changed My Life: Tom Cooper

Do you wonder whether a year of coaching is worth investing in as you explore your second half purpose in life? Tom Cooper does. So much so that he was willing to share his story and the impact his coach has had on his Halftime journey. He hopes to encourage others to take advantage of this powerful element of the Halftime Experience. Mr. Cooper is a successful executive who has made the transition from “success to significance,” serving God most recently by spearheading an affiliate of  New Horizons Southwest

My Halftime Coach Changed My Life: Tom Cooper2016-11-18T12:17:32+08:00

Who Are The Joneses Anyway? – Part 2

By Bob and Susan Karcher, Authors, Who Are the Joneses Anyway? “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.” Ephesians 1:11 (MSG) Check out Part 1 HERE        Two weeks ago we talked about that famous phrase “Keeping up with the Joneses” and how it still holds true for us today.  In one way or another, our culture persistently falls into the trap of trying to keep up with our neighbors. In our first halves of life we had

Who Are The Joneses Anyway? – Part 22018-01-04T14:28:43+08:00

Who Are The Joneses Anyway? – Part 1

By Bob and Susan Karcher, Authors, Who Are the Joneses Anyway? “It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.” Ephesians 1:11 (MSG) At one time or another, most of us have used the expression “keeping up with the Joneses.” We’re talking about a legendary family that has the world trying to keep up with them. They’re mentioned in tweets, movies, newscasts, articles, blogs, books, and more. They’re mysterious. They seem to be everywhere, but no one appears to have actually met

Who Are The Joneses Anyway? – Part 12018-01-04T14:28:22+08:00

And Just Like That…

By Chris Sharber (Halftime Institute Alumnus 2010) Whenever I have dared to contemplate it, I have found it difficult to understand the reality that God exists outside of the bounds of time. Strapped as I am to the relentless “arrow of time” that marches inexorably from left to right, past to future, I can’t begin to wrap my brain around the concept that God is not limited to that one-way flow. He sees everything - from the beginning, now, and to the end - all in the same instant.

And Just Like That…2016-01-13T14:01:17+08:00

This is My Halftime Story: Gareth Williams

Gareth Williams knows more than his fair share about loss. When his son Timmy died right before his 12th birthday after a long illness, he came to understand the distinctive nature of a parent’s grief.  What would normally be milestones—graduations, grandchildren, and all dreams of the future—become, instead, memorial stones, reminders of what should have been. Can such loss ever be redeemed? Gareth believes that it can, thanks to a son who believed in dreaming big, and the help of the Halftime Institute. When Timmy was given an opportunity

This is My Halftime Story: Gareth Williams2018-01-04T22:12:28+08:00
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