

How God Surprised Me in Halftime

“So what is God showing you?” Those were the words my Halftime Coach asked shortly into our scheduled call. Two months earlier I had attended a Halftime Institute Launch Event, gotten clarity around a personal mission statement to guide me, and formulated a game plan for moving forward in my journey "from success to significance.” In my business career, strategy and planning always seemed to come easily. I would ask myself: Where are we today, where do we want to be, and how do we get from here to

How God Surprised Me in Halftime2018-07-23T14:09:11+08:00

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?

How does the Halftime Institute equip leaders to get CLEAR, get FREE, and get GOING? Hear from 3 Halftime clients as they share how their Halftime program transformed their lives and helped them figure out "What's next?" and "How do I take my talents and time and make a difference in the world?" SCOTT BOYER realized he had a "whisper, a dormant calling". He had spent his career in Big Pharma and through the halftime process decided to stay in the industry and launch his

NEW VIDEO: What’s the Impact of Halftime Programs?2018-07-23T14:10:57+08:00

NEW VIDEO: How Does the Fellow’s Program Transform Families?

At the Halftime Institute, our Fellows Program not only focuses on helping individuals develop their passions and hone in on their talents but also includes their spouse and family. Our goal is to ensure your entire family thrives as you go through this process. As one Fellows Spouse, Sasha Clements, says, "I needed to turn my dreamer back on. I learned more about not just what [Halftime] could do for Chris but what it could do for me, what it could do for our family."

NEW VIDEO: How Does the Fellow’s Program Transform Families?2018-07-23T14:10:22+08:00

Get Back Your Time: For Those You Love Most

Time for Your Loved Ones Volumes have been written on managing and maintaining relationships with those we love. When I am asked by my clients how I would approach sustaining these relationships, it’s simple: time. Investing time into the relationships of our loved ones is a simple, yet effective way of showing we care. So when seeking for a good model who demonstrated this investment, I think of Jesus. But how did He do it? Jesus invested His life, time, and ministry primarily into twelve men - a small

Get Back Your Time: For Those You Love Most2018-06-08T16:18:36+08:00


Reflections From A 20-Year Mentee of Bob Buford We all want to maximize our time on earth. Greater dividends in our relationships and our endeavors for the time and sweat equity we put in. Being a 20-year mentee of Bob Buford has taught me just that – how to have leveraged impact in all that I do.   Bob Buford was intent on a “100X return” - one hundred times the benefit or life change, as a result of giving his time and money to meet others’ needs. His standard wasn’t just multiplication - it was

10 KEYS TO MID-LIFE RENEWAL, Part 22018-05-17T15:51:22+08:00


  Reflections From A 20-Year Mentee of Bob Buford Two weeks before my friend and mentor Bob Buford passed away, I took a day of silence. A day alone with God in the beauty of historic Pinehurst, North Carolina. For some reason, I brought my whole file of notes, learnings and conversations with Bob over our 20-year partnership. In 1998, we locked arms to build the Halftime Institute, but he shaped my mind and heart along the way. A typical mentoring time would be a 90-minute breakfast at the

10 KEYS TO MID-LIFE RENEWAL, Part 12018-06-06T02:28:34+08:00

Bestselling Author Bob Buford Dies—Leaving Legacy of Halftime Institute, Drucker Institute, and Leadership Network

Bob made himself tremendously useful with his time here among us, a generous man with a lasting impact on all who had the privilege to be touched by him and his example. He lived a life well spent, a life that mattered, a life that changed the lives of others. Bob’s life serves as a truly inspired testament to just how much impact one person can make. — Jim Collins Bob Buford, age 79, best-selling author, iconic pioneer and thought leader,

Bestselling Author Bob Buford Dies—Leaving Legacy of Halftime Institute, Drucker Institute, and Leadership Network2018-04-19T23:01:36+08:00

Do You Know Yourself?

Do you know what you were put on this earth to do? I believe God wants us to be self-aware, to know ourselves and how fearfully and wonderfully we are made. Most people are not aware of how they are wired, their unique strengths, talents and gifts. Figuring those things out takes time and focus. And, it’s harder to find time and focus in a world where we are constantly interrupted. It’s possible to do, though, if you make it the goal. And, if you do figure all

Do You Know Yourself?2018-04-06T22:03:05+08:00

What Makes A Marriage Thrive In Your Second Half May Surprise You

7 Tips to Put Into Practice Today I’ve been studying what it takes to thrive in our second half and to finish well. I want to finish life strong but at 56 I also want to know more about how people finish well. I’ve been studying this over the past 20 years of coaching high-capacity leaders and couples. From my observation, having people around me who will encourage and challenge me is one essential ingredient. A second is being in alignment with my spouse and putting her interests ahead

What Makes A Marriage Thrive In Your Second Half May Surprise You2018-03-22T11:38:01+08:00

Key Metrics for Thriving Relationships

Metrics and relationships seem like oil and water, don’t they? The very idea of using metrics in a relationship seems at first glance a little cold and calculating. And yet the truth is we measure our relationships all the time: How we feel a friend or spouse responded to a comment we made over dinner out last night; or, they don't reach out to me as often as I reach out to them, etc. These are all measurements. And, they help us calibrate and manage our friendships. In our

Key Metrics for Thriving Relationships2018-02-28T11:43:59+08:00
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