

Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas

It’s that time again. The season for giving is upon us. Already, the Christmas music is playing, the trees are for sale, and a few lights are going up in the neighborhood. It all sounds idyllic, doesn’t it? But, the truth is, the real meaning of Christmas has been lost in all of the consumerism. Black Friday now actually starts on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day! Why sit around and spend time with your family and friends when you can go buy something on sale? You laugh, but in your heart

Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas2018-06-19T15:48:50+08:00

What to Do When You Find Yourself Asking “Is This All There Is?”

The late, great Peggy Lee used to sing a song that became a standard called “Is That All There Is?” Ms. Lee suggested in the song that if this is all there is, then “let’s just keep dancing and break out the booze and have a ball.” I am thinking there might be a better plan out there for those of us who have and will have come face to face with that daunting question. The seeds of confusion about what was truly important were planted early for me.

What to Do When You Find Yourself Asking “Is This All There Is?”2017-10-30T13:46:21+08:00

3 Keys to Mid-Life Renewal

While the journey of mid-life renewal is common all over the world, every person’s second half calling is somehow unique. People from all professional and personal backgrounds tend to make some common mistakes when they come to this season of mid-life renewal. Regardless of your first half career, these three keys will significantly improve the chances of you making a smooth transition to Life II. 1. Recognize that you need renewal at mid-life, and begin working on it earlier than you think is necessary. Here’s why: It’s hard to

3 Keys to Mid-Life Renewal2018-01-18T12:16:46+08:00

4 Ways to Give Thanks This Year

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.  I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High. ~ Psalms 9:1-2 (NIV) Don’t worry, Thanksgiving Day is still a week away! So why am I writing a Thanksgiving-themed blog now? Well, because I think focusing on being thankful deserves more than a single day. In fact, we should be thankful every day. Most of us are so blessed and it’s

4 Ways to Give Thanks This Year2018-06-19T15:49:12+08:00

HT Alum Steve Nooyen Made God the CEO of His Company – Then the Real Adventure Began

Most people don’t begin intentionally planning for their second half of life while in their first half, much less at the outset of their career. Such was not the case for Halftime alum Steve Nooyen. Newly married and stepping off the starting line of his career at the age of 22, he clearly recalls outlining a set of goals for his future: Start a company by age 30. Run that company for 20 years. Make a transition after those 20 years are complete. Little did Steve know, he was

HT Alum Steve Nooyen Made God the CEO of His Company – Then the Real Adventure Began2017-11-08T13:52:13+08:00

5 Common Questions About Halftime Answered

Let me begin by saying that I love what I do here at the Halftime Institute. I know that every day my work is making a difference in the lives of those we serve. People come to us at a critical time in their lives and we help them figure out what’s next for them in a way that allows them to use all of their gifts and talents to finish well. It doesn’t get better than that. As with all times of change that we go through,

5 Common Questions About Halftime Answered2018-02-01T21:57:08+08:00

Making Time and Space

Ninety-nine percent of new Halftimers are textbook type A’s, men and women shrink-wrapped into their schedules with zero margin. They walk into the Institute grafted to cell phones, setting plans by the quarter hour. When we tell them, almost first thing, to open their calendars and pry open their hours (for whole stretches, ongoing), it’s a little like waving scissors at a patient’s morphine drip. For their part, our Halftimers report back to us that their early efforts to dial back on busyness are: Scary A relief Welcome Incredibly

Making Time and Space2017-10-30T13:14:18+08:00

Battling Busyness: How to Align Your Daily Priorities with Your Lifelong Values

We all have deeply held things we believe in that are in our DNA. For the most part, you and I know what’s right for us, but acting upon it on a daily basis can be challenging. Distractions are a big part of the problem and there are a lot of those today, aren’t there? I heard recently that if you are a knowledge worker you are interrupted every 11 minutes on average by some form of communication. I would guess that number is not far off the mark

Battling Busyness: How to Align Your Daily Priorities with Your Lifelong Values2017-09-06T16:47:27+08:00

How to Cultivate a More Joyful Life

Margin in our calendars means having or creating extra time in our lives to do something other than the things we are currently doing. The problem is that most people think that creating margin is a matter of time management and delegation strategies. Although some of that may be required in our journey toward joy, the real challenge lies deeper in our hearts. The problem with an efficiency paradigm toward margin is that while it helps us do what we are already doing faster, it is not helping us

How to Cultivate a More Joyful Life2017-09-19T13:58:00+08:00

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 2

I am always amazed at what happens when trouble shows up in a community, how people pull together and you see how many good folks there are out there that will never be on the evening news for their charitable works, but are as important as a President in the moment. When hurricane Harvey struck south Texas and began its slow crawl across the land, people began almost immediately doing remarkable things to help each other. And, as usual there were throngs of businesspeople who stepped into the gap

An Economics Class with Jesus, Part 22017-10-03T15:15:27+08:00
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