
Words of Wisdom

HT Alum and Author Diane Paddison Building Support Networks for Christian Women in the Workplace

“Go for it! Use your gifts!” The journey that led Diane Paddison to found 4word women is the focus of her 2011 book, Work, Love, Pray, and God has had even more in store for her and 4word in the years since the book’s publication. We recently caught up with Diane and learned how God has been at work in her second-half journey as of late. 4word women’s vision is to create a global community of Christian women in the workplace, and it is well on its way

HT Alum and Author Diane Paddison Building Support Networks for Christian Women in the Workplace2020-08-13T16:40:04+08:00

Advice to Leaders: Know Your Purpose And Help Those You Lead To Do The Same

In my new book, Trade Up: How to Move from Just Making Money to Making a Difference, that just published this month, I did something that made me more than a little uncomfortable. My Midwestern sensibilities and upbringing tell me not to talk about myself, but the truth is, I had to. I was sort of required to tell my story and I dutifully did so. I shared how as a young person I set out to make as much money as possible and by the time I was

Advice to Leaders: Know Your Purpose And Help Those You Lead To Do The Same2017-08-10T18:29:49+08:00

What is Your Success Costing You?

Everyone knows that to be successful we have to make some sacrifices. Great athletes spend a lot of time in the gym and doing roadwork and preparing both mentally and physically. Great musicians we admire write, perform, and practice endlessly to get it right. Business leaders educate themselves and work tirelessly to be their best. There is nothing wrong with all of this striving as long as it is all in line with what really matters most to us. But oftentimes, that is not the case. I meet

What is Your Success Costing You?2018-04-05T12:48:14+08:00

How to Trade Up When Going Through a Major Career Change

Change is bound to happen to each of us at one time or another. High flying and fast moving careers are no exception. Perhaps you are dealing with a major career shift. Your company or role is being downsized or maybe you’ve decided on your own that some kind of change is necessary. It’s important to remember that even if everything changes for you, it’s not the end of everything. It seems kind of counterintuitive to say, but it could be the greatest day of your life. Here’s

How to Trade Up When Going Through a Major Career Change2017-07-17T11:47:54+08:00

Celebrating the Life and Impact of Greg Murtha

 "Most of all, I want to arrive in heaven all used up, skidding in broadside with a big “Wow!”" Greg Murtha’s opportunity to discover and live out his calling has come and gone, yet his influence continues today. I had the privilege of walking with him over the past twenty years, as he took full advantage of that opportunity. Last Thursday, Greg went home to heaven after more than five years of struggling with cancer. I cried as I flew through the night from NYC to Sweden, praying

Celebrating the Life and Impact of Greg Murtha2017-12-05T13:55:58+08:00

You Can’t Know Yourself By Yourself

To operate at your best and most fulfilled, it is critical that you know your strengths and your purpose. But I like to say that knowledge is a tool and not a solution. Your purpose and calling emerges not in a day or in an assessment. Or in a heartfelt prayer—or even two. The significance you rightly look for is unlikely to arrive, boom, by epiphany. And that’s the good news. In my new book Trade Up, I stress  that it’s in the journey, your journey, that good things

You Can’t Know Yourself By Yourself2017-07-14T16:53:04+08:00

In Light of Father’s Day, Be Relentless

How Your Schedule Could Be Sabotaging Your Parenting It’s about to be Father’s Day again, but in a way, every day in a family is Father’s Day. Fathers play a critical role in how the next generation turns out, and these days there are a lot of dads who are just not doing their duty. They are good people and they have the greatest of intentions, but the follow through is lacking somehow. I understand. I know the struggles firsthand. In some ways, the more successful you are, the

In Light of Father’s Day, Be Relentless2017-07-14T16:54:36+08:00

5 Indicators You’re in Halftime

“How I know for sure that I’m in the season Halftime?” I’m going to let you in on a little secret: there are 5 Indicators to help you discern if you’re in halftime. Every day I speak with men and women trying to discern if they are in the season of Halftime, and I listen for these indicators to know if we’re a good fit for them. When I was in the season, I was so confused and frustrated that I actually came running to the Halftime Institute

5 Indicators You’re in Halftime2017-12-22T11:50:26+08:00

Do you think to yourself, “My Schedule is Insane!” ?

When a parent pleads “my crazy schedule” for why he or she is ghosting the kid’s event, or family time in general, if he or she will hear me, I have a pretty practical response. Ninety-nine percent of the men and women we work with are textbook type A’s, shrink-wrapped into their calendars with no margin in the day. Zero. Most of them are cell-phone dependent, doing life by the quarter hour. When we tell them, almost first thing, to open their calendars and clear out hours—plural—it’s like waving scissors at a patient’s morphine drip.

Do you think to yourself, “My Schedule is Insane!” ?2017-07-20T09:48:26+08:00

How to Create Your Personal Board of Directors

Navigating this mid-life adventure called halftime is a journey like no other. Doing it alone is a trap that many fall into, hindering their potential for balance, impact and joy in their second half of life. Creating a Personal Board of Directors is an effective way to avoid the common pitfalls and roadblocks that I’ve seen derail people along the way. In my previous article, 4 Reasons You Need a Personal Board of Directors, I outline how a Personal Board of Directors can be helpful and provide long-term benefits to

How to Create Your Personal Board of Directors2017-07-14T17:19:19+08:00
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