
Words of Wisdom

4 Reasons You Need a Personal Board of Directors

 “True change comes with others over time.” Bob Buford stood back and looked at the statement he had just written on the whiteboard, as if validating it one last time, and then put the cap back on his dry erase marker and sat down. This was no 15-minute explanation or inspirational story to illustrate . . .  rather, it was simply tried and true wisdom from years of experience that he knew was vital to the discussion taking place in our Halftime cohort meeting. This was classic Bob for sure,

4 Reasons You Need a Personal Board of Directors2017-07-25T14:23:03+08:00

The Sanity of an Insane Choice

Somewhere along the way we mislabeled success. We put numbers on it and believed that those numbers are all of the variables that go into being successful. But what if the definition is broader than that? What if true success is about following your calling, using your gifts, and making a difference? Can you do all of that and find happiness, too? The truth is, true success and happiness are inseparable from each other. Think about it. If success and happiness were only about the numbers then everyone who

The Sanity of an Insane Choice2017-07-20T09:51:13+08:00

What could be keeping you from being both successful and content?

If all of the statistics are right, most of us are merely doing what’s next and not what’s us. It is almost like we’re sleepwalking through life. The Gallup Organization says that only one in five of us are doing what we do best every day. So, is it possible to be successful and content in our work? If it is, why aren’t more of us doing it? Success and contentment are the end product of two ingredients: 1) We figure out who we really are and how we are wired

What could be keeping you from being both successful and content?2017-07-20T09:52:24+08:00
  • Laptop and Glasses

What Lies Beyond the Corner Office?: Discover What Makes You Tick

We’ve all heard the story of David and Goliath. David was an afterthought in everyone’s mind when he showed up with his slingshot and his five smooth stones. What happened next has lived on in legend for many centuries and will continue to live on for many reasons. I think one of those is the powerful question that David asked of his brothers and those who stood nearby, cowering in Goliath’s shadow and presence: Is there not a cause? Notice that David didn’t ask to see a battle plan

What Lies Beyond the Corner Office?: Discover What Makes You Tick2017-07-20T09:56:20+08:00

Are You Doing the Work That Suits You Best?

What would it look like to truly align our strengths, passions, and capacity with our day-to-day work and life? If all the latest research is correct, most of us are sleepwalking through life, doing work that doesn’t suit us at all, but brings a paycheck. For many years, The Gallup Organization has asked a simple, but powerful question: True or False?: At work, I get to do what I do best every day. Sadly, only one person in five — just twenty percent of us — answer ‘true’ to

Are You Doing the Work That Suits You Best?2017-07-20T10:09:14+08:00

What is Keeping You From Truly Living?

“The Western world is awash with plenty. People living in those countries have more choices in the cereal aisle of their local grocery store than most people have in their entire lives. But has [this] created contentment and fulfillment?” – Gary A. Miller, PhD In 1913, Arthur “Pop” Momand highlighted the side effects of the American Dream that urges us to do things in order to impress other people and create a sense of social standing. His cartoon strip, Keeping Up with the Joneses, followed the McGinis family as

What is Keeping You From Truly Living?2017-07-20T10:20:23+08:00

When Success Isn’t Enough

I suppose it’s happening somewhere, in some corner office every day. It’s that gnawing feeling that defies description. You’ve followed the rules, built a great career, educated yourself to prepare, and climbed the ladder of success to the very top rung. So, here you are, and somehow it isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. You have more than enough of everything and still it doesn’t satisfy. We were all told that that kind of meteoric rise would be life-changing and it would fill a deep need that

When Success Isn’t Enough2017-07-20T10:21:28+08:00

3 Ways to Create Better New Years Resolutions

Excerpted from Bob Karcher's author blog Who Are the Joneses Anyway? I can’t imagine a person becoming a success who doesn’t give this game of life everything he’s got.” — Walter Cronkite Resolutions. Goals. Objectives. We call them many things but this time of year we most commonly hear the term “resolution” when we make a decision to do something in the coming year. You’ve been there. It’s New Year’s Eve and you feel like you must declare to yourself and the world at least one big thing you’ll commit to

3 Ways to Create Better New Years Resolutions2017-07-20T10:40:38+08:00

5 Key Guidelines to Making Wise Philanthropic Choices

Earlier this year, we gathered several Halftime couples who give strategically and significantly and encouraged them to share with each other their best practices, challenges, etc. As is usual when I gather with folks of this caliber I learned WAY more than I expected. Each of these five topics yielded enough for a chapter in a book on philanthropy, but here are the highlights: 1)  KNOW YOUR PHILANTHROPIC MISSION -- A mission statement is as important to philanthropic success as it is to business or personal success. Whether your annual giving

5 Key Guidelines to Making Wise Philanthropic Choices2017-07-20T10:43:16+08:00


By Jeff Spadafora, Director of Global Coaching Services Taking the cowboy approach to your second half? U.S. President Herbert Hoover created a romantic notion of the American ethic when he coined the phrase “rugged individualism.”  In the business world (both in the U.S. and internationally) there’s a similar value – “the boot-strapping, self-made millionaire” – that permeates the business person’s psyche. Many successful people attribute their success to attitudes such as independence, self-reliance, courage, hustle, and aggressiveness. While this may have been their mindset, I have found with further questioning, for

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