Jeff spent 20 years as a leadership and executive development consultant for Fortune 1000 companies. Since joining the Halftime Institute in 2007, Jeff has coached hundreds of men and women through the Halftime Journey and continues to make this a primary part of his ministry. In addition to being a Master Certified Halftime Coach, Jeff also writes and speaks globally about the issues of life purpose, joy, and kingdom impact.

His latest book, The Joy Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Life of Peace, Purpose, and Balance, is the result of a decade of personal growth, life coaching, coach leadership and study. WWW.THEJOYMODEL.COM

Jeff lives in Evergreen, Colorado with his wife Michelle and their 3 children. He enjoys fishing, hunting, skiing, mountain biking and everything else the great outdoors of Colorado has to offer.


TopicThe Joy Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to Peace, Purpose, and Balance
Summary: Jeff speaks around the world on the content from his book The Joy Model: A Step-by-Step Guide to Peace, Purpose, and Balance. After a decade of coaching men and women through the Halftime journey, he has witnessed a surprisingly large number of Christians who are discontent with their lives and their faith. Not that there is anything catastrophically wrong, but the joy, peace and fulfilment that they read so much about in scripture is not — when they are honest with themselves — something they are experiencing in their lives. Sadly they think it’s their problem alone — that they aren’t spiritual enough or obedient enough or blessed  enough — and that everyone else around them has figured it out. Through Spadafora’s coaching, studying and writing on this issue, he brings hope and inspiration with a simple and intuitive model for helping people make adjustments in their lives that will lead to greater joy.

TopicFrom Smoldering Discontent to Lasting Joy on Your Business Platform
Summary: Jeff shares relatable, practical wisdom to help you reimagine how your business platform can meet your emotional, spiritual, financial and kingdom-building goals based on years of both personal experiences and the experiences of the high-capacity men and women he has coached through the Halftime Institute.

TopicConfirming Your Calling in Your Business – In Parallel to It or Instead of It?
Summary: Have you ever found yourself at the juncture of “marketplace” or “ministry?” It’s easy to feel like the two are mutually exclusive and many successful businessmen and women find themselves struggling between these two desires at some point in their careers. Jeff shares practical tips for breaking out of this “Marketplace or Ministry” binary thinking trap, providing listeners with a roadmap and process for creatively designing the life you and God both crave.

Listen to Jeff’s Podcasts

Jeff Spadafora –  Finally Fulfilled – From Smoldering Discontent to Lasting Joy
Jeff (Director of Global Coaching Services) talks with John Ramstead and Steve Reiter about his own Halftime Journey and how he found joy. In this podcast they discuss how how to determine God’s plan for your life, how to become self-aware through your skills and passions and how “unlearn” the expectations others have placed on you. Listen to see how you can gain the courage to become who you were created to be and how you two can experience real and lasting joy and peace!

Jeff Spadafora – Coaches Corner
Too many people focus the better part of their lives on the wrong things: the company’s agenda, other peoples’ ideas of success . . . money. Over time, this leads to frustration and emptiness. True freedom comes as a people discover their God-given design and pour themselves into service for others.”  –Jeff Spadafora

Jeff Spadafora – Joy and Happiness – on iWork4Him Radio on 05/18/2017

Read Jeff’s Articles on the Halftime Blog