How can you prepare for the next season, post-coronavirus? What have you learned and what are the implications? What did Jesus say that might help you navigate the days ahead?

Bob Buford, the founder of Halftime Institute, boiled his life mission down to fit on a T-shirt: 100X.

The concept comes from a parable Jesus told about the soil (Mark 4). He taught us to view our life like soil – soil that has the potential to produce 100X yield. Bob Buford wanted to prepare the soil of his life to allow God to produce a 100X impact through him.

Imagine if the next season of our lives produced 100X impact. We would be such a blessing to others and find even more joy along the way.

Regardless of how quickly our economies bounce back from this crisis, a crisis brings clarity and we can prepare now for the season ahead to be the most creative and productive time of our lives.

In this webinar Doug Piper and Lloyd Reeb unpacked learnings from the 2008 global financial crisis that might help you reset your life and mindset as we prepare to move forward.

CLICK HERE to watch or listen to the recording of our conversation.

During our time together, Lloyd recalled a conversation with a Halftime Alum while overlooking the booming growth and economic development in Singapore several years ago. Admiring the scene, Lloyd asked one question: “What do you know for sure?”

The response was simple: “It won’t always be this way.”

Watching the world around us catapult into the unknown can be both sobering and inspiring. It requires us to adjust and restructure in order to continue having a kingdom impact.

In order to adjust and restructure, consider these steps:

1. Renovate your heart.

What defines you? How can you allow God to reshape your identity so that it isn’t vulnerable when the things around you go down? What do you have that is priceless and what are you doing to protect it? Train your heart to abase as well as abound. Learn from leaders like Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Jim Collins who have prepared internally to be used in alignment with their calling in times of dramatic change or crisis.

2. Build core stability. 

Get clear on your mission, strengths, passions, and character values. Invest in daily disciplines of listening to the Lord (morning devotionals, silent retreats, personal board of directors, etc.).

3. Keep your center of gravity low.

Be adaptable. Have a strong core but a flexible context. Have a firm mission but adapt how you live that mission out. What baggage are you carrying right now that you could let go of? Simplify. Get rid of debt. How could lifestyle changes make you more available in times of crisis?  

4. Invest in a platform in order to have impact.

How will you hone your message and skills to serve the people you are called to serve? How will you build a tribe of people around you? 

“It feels like we’re riding a roller coaster with high-speed ups and downs in real time. The key is flowing with the Spirit of God and defending against the powers of darkness. No easy task.

While we may not see the 100X yield in this life, we will see it in eternity. We can learn from the example Jesus set by making eye contact with the Father. Jesus had a specific mission and a strategy, but still woke up to seek direction from the Father and responded spontaneously to surrounding needs. We too can live in the tension between a clear purpose and strategy for execution combined with daily dependence on the Father.

We would love to help provide clarity and accountability around your mission through our NEW Reset Program. Our Alumni have told us this is an important topic for them.

We will be offering a Reset Program starting this summer in order to help you build out a strategy for the next season of your life. Click the button below to stay in the loop.

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