Explore stories of people who have found a whole new beginning: the richest and most meaning-filled season of all.
Halftime Story – Vivien Hau
I am an Organisational Psychologist.
In the first half of my life, I drove change for many different organisations. When I reached a turning point to reflect on my purpose at this season of life, a restructuring project for my life was kicked off. At that critical time, I encountered Halftime, which provided a “just-in-time” platform and safe space to support my journey from the pursuit of success to the pursuit of significance and meaning.
In the quest of ‘What am I here on earth for?’, I have learnt to shift my focus from fulfilling others’ expectations (family, companies, society, etc.) to seeking God’s agenda.
He has been gently guiding me through a journey of discovery and drawing me closer to him. I intentionally spend more time with my family and people I care about. I re-connect with people who had an impact on me – saying thanks and sorry putting closures to my past. I make efforts to clean up things I used to consider as important.
With my renewed life purpose, I set up my professional practice to support people to live out their natural gifts and to connect with each other in a deeper way.
So what’s next? I don’t know but I am sure that it is not about going MY WAY but following HIS PLAN!
Halftime Story – Kevin Lau
I was in my late thirty’s when I join the Halftime Summit.
Having just hit my 20th anniversary of first becoming a follower of Christ. I was determined to make the most out of the next few 20 years of my life, seeking to know what God wanted me to do.
I was working in a corporate job and raising a young family at the time. While I wanted to ‘do something’ more meaningful than my day job which provided for the family financially, I didn’t know what to do and how.
The Summit was joined by others who were in a similar search, I was excited to know them and embark on this journey together.
The biggest take away and learning for me was firstly the people: I found mentors who were in the marketplace, serious in their work as well as their walk with God but most importantly their authenticity and intentionality in helping me in maximising my strengths and gifts.
Secondly, it was the application of “low-cost probes.” It would be foolish of me to switch completely from one vocation to another without doing controlled experiments to see what it means for me to be doing a completely different line of work. At that stage in my life, it would be quite a big change for my family too.
As I looked to God for each small steps to take, I saw how God was guiding and teaching me to go beyond my comfort zone. My relationship with Him strengthened as I trust in Him.
I have since taken multiple low-cost probes: in identifying the areas I find most meaningful to serve in, trying out ways to serve to benefit those I serve and in utilizing my gifts. I am achieving a balance between my work and ministry, moreover, learning to integrate the two.
I know I am very much in the zone that the Lord wants me to be in this season right now and excited to see where He would lead me in the years to come.
Halftime Story – Florence Lau
I am likely the youngest graduate from HT Summit so far!
Before joining the Summit, I was about to graduate as a dental surgeon, unsure what God was calling me to do with the gifts, talents, and experiences He has given me.
My career path could have been rather straightforward but with an opportunity to serve and empower our non-Chinese community as an NGO director, I was unsure of my career choice, stuck even before it began.
My dad, a Halftime alumni, suggested me to join the Summit to seek God and to see where He is calling me, and what exactly I was able to do! The Summit gave me a clearer picture of my God-given mission for this season and fresh approaches to practically implement into my life by giving me the space to analyse where I was at – my core, passion and capacity.
Today, I am confidently living out my life mission BOTH in serving our non-Chinese community AND practicing my dentistry in a private clinic. Living and continued learning a balanced and sustainable pace of life for His season!
Halftime Story – Anthony Ng
I was a civil and structural engineer which gave me meaningful work in serving people’s need for shelters. Brought up in a Christian family since my youth, I wanted to discover my True North and live up to it as I moved into my second half of life.
I read the book Half Time quite a while back but finally got the chance to attend the Half Time Summit in 2016 when I was at life’s crossroads. At the summit, I got clarity on my strength, passion and mission. I discovered my passion is to support people in their holistic needs — both work and life. After having shared with my fellow alumni my personal mission statement, I then committed myself to the training and practice to become a professional executive life coach as my second half career.
I thank God that I can serve Him with my coaching role in helping others to clarify what they could do and implement their personal roadmap for a life of significance and abundance. With God’s guidance and provision, I am grateful for a life filled with joy, balance and impact!
Halftime Story – Angela LEE
What a blessing! If without Halftime, I do not think I would have landed in where I am now or who I am now.
Someone had given the book ‘Halftime’, a couple of years after first reading it, I found myself attending the first sharing session one evening after work. It was not any other workday, but the last day of my last corporate job. A sister had invited me to accompany her for the event … I was in a very distressed state … nothing seemed to be working well. I registered for the upcoming Summit that evening.
I was very impressed by the sharing from other Halftime Summit participants as well as the facilitators from Hong Kong and overseas. I was touched by the personal sharing of vulnerability with honesty of who they are as a leader, and how God as the potter has moulded them into who they are now. There were sentimental moments of heartfelt love for God and the subsequent changes these leaders have personally demonstrated. So real and authentic!
It was such a life changing experience for me as my second half calling was something beyond my imagination. I have started my own practice since 2014 with the mission to create a sustainable future through people strategies and coaching. I am loving what I do and doing what I love every day of my life – I found my calling and God is gracious to use me and allow one of my dreams to come true – my first book “Love to Lead, Lead with Love – Finding your true north in Life” was published in December 28, 2021, later followed by the e-book and then my self-recorded audio book one year later.
It was such an amazing journey and I have made one of my best decisions with God’s invisible hands with HALFTIME!
Halftime Story –Bonnie Chan
In 2015 Summit, I was inspired to mobilise a vision of coaching the visually impaired into my Halftime journey.
I discovered that the coaching expertise and knowledge that I have gained in my first half of life could be transferrable to those I am now being called to serve. My mission statement is: ” to become a social innovator who empowers and unleashes visually impaired people’s hidden talents to shine out God’s Work by influencing others through coaching practice. “
The Hong Kong Society for the Blind and the Hong Kong Blind Union connected me to young and middle aged visually impaired people who were well educated but faced limited job opportunities because of workplace biases and discrimination.
In the first year, 8 visually impaired trainees completed 110 hours of coaching training, 60 hours of practicing, and 20 hours internship in a Coaching Cafe platform coaching the including voluntary coaching to secondary students.
Some of the visually impaired coaches have been working towards their international coaching accreditation and aims to become a professional coach. A social enterprise was established aimed at enabling the visually impaired coaches to run their own coaching business. The mission of Coaching Dot is: Let the dialogue of life create our future. And our vision: Breaking the barrier between the impaired and healthy, enhancing the quality of dialogue, and making Hong Kong a coachable place for all, be able to have a coach and in becoming a coach. DOT means: Diversity, Openness and Transformation. In the future, we have dream to spread out the Coaching Dot from Hong Kong to help visually impaired people in the Greater China.
I praise the Lord for His guidance to let me experience new possibilities in my second half, for the joy in this exploration, and for understanding more about who I am. It is all His grace!