God has changed my heart in terms of my faith. I’m seeing that what He is doing is greater than what I ever could have imagined or wanted, or hoped for – and I don’t know if I would have come to that realization without going through halftime.

Bob Buford always said of his second half, “The fruit of my life will grow on other people’s trees.” This month’s Halftime Alumni Spotlight, Leslie Doll, is one such example. The fruit of Bob’s wisdom is growing in Leslie’s life. And the fruit of Leslie’s life is growing in the far corners of the world, among some of the most unreached and impoverished people on earth.

Enjoy the videos below – from Leslie’s first half struggles to her second half joys seeing Muslim refugee children praising Jesus – may this story challenge and bless you as you discern and pursue your second half calling.

Video 1: Alumni Leslie Doll’s First Half Journey

Leslie says she “had a heart for adventure from a young age.” She wanted to travel, to learn about people and cultures, and to to make an impact. She discovered her keen financial and business sense and after earning her MBA and moving to New York City to be a financial trader. Leslie met her now husband, Bob Doll, in NYC, and when the two had a family, she decided to leave her career in the financial sector. “I chose to quit, and I knew that God had a purpose for me within my family,” Leslie says, but her heart for adventure and impact internationally remained and she knew one day there would be “something” for her beyond finance and her family. After raising her children, Leslie hit a season of halftime, and found herself wanting to discover that “something” sooner rather than later. Watch the video below on Leslie’s first half and entree into the season of halftime.



Video 2: Leslie Doll’s Second Half – Middle East Refugees Find Hope and Joy

Through her halftime journey, Leslie discovered her second half calling. She shares, “The Muslim Population, not only in the Middle East, but all over the world, is the largest unreached people group…I felt my heart broken because these are people created in His image whom He loves.” She now frequently visits Beirut, where there are 2M refugees displaced from war, terrorism, and homelessness. As a result of the ongoing refugee crisis, populations that were formerly unaccessible are now all gathered together in this urban metropolis and Leslie is able to partner with strategic ministries to share the gospel with them.



Whether your second half calling is within your home or the far reaches of the globe, we want to support you in finding the clarity, joy, and purpose, you need to live out your Ephesians 2:10 calling.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s any way we can serve you as you lean into the second half God has planned for you.
