Vince Leone knew from childhood that he wanted to be a soldier. He spent eight years in the U.S. Army, and that season of Vince’s life has shaped the man he is today. The structure, training, and guidance he received allowed him to discover and live into his innate creativity, finding innovative solutions to strategic challenges.

Vince served as a commanding officer in the Gulf War, and that experience has shaped his leadership and character – and his second half mission.

Shortly after he returned from the desert, Vince resigned his commission and looked ahead to God’s next assignment. One thing was clear: his time in the military had given him a calling to somehow help military veterans. “As a combat veteran I’ve always had a deep heart-felt passion for the welfare of our country and the veterans and their family members who have sacrificed so much.” However, Vince was struggling so profoundly with re-acclimating to civilian life, he needed help. He had a brutal wake up call that forced him to seek help.

Watch Part 1 of Vince’s Story – What was his season of halftime like? 



Vince went through an intense season of healing and transformation during his halftime journey. His Halftime Coach helped him piece together the roadmap for recovery and ultimate impact. Today, Vince uses the Halftime Roadmap to help veterans develop a new plan and a path once they return home through VetStarts and Halftime for Veterans. This process helps veterans to untangle the confusion of re-integration and step into a new life, giving them structure, hope, and renewed purpose.

Watch Part 2 of Vince’s Story – Equipped for Impact: Veterans find Hope, Purpose, New Life  



About VetStarts and Halftime for Veterans:

VetStarts is a veteran operated nonprofit direct service provider of vet-to-vet identity coaching and career training designed to empower transitioning veterans to start new lives, new careers and new businesses. We believe that business, not the government, offers the effective and sustainable solutions to many of the hope-crushing challenges our veterans are facing. Meaningful new careers and strengths-based entrepreneurial opportunities can provide veterans an authentic identity and purpose outside the military, financial stability, healthcare benefits and confidence for a hopeful future.

VetStarts also equips businesses, churches and communities to attract, retain and develop veterans through education, training and entrepreneurial support programs.

Halftime for Veterans equips veterans and their families to discover their identity and purpose outside the military, and start meaningful new lives, rewarding new careers and new startup businesses.

We feel blessed to be a part of this ripple effect of Halftime alumni who come from a place of “smoldering discontent” to purpose, joy, and impact.

If you resonate with Vince’s struggle and his desire for impact, make sure to check out the Fellows Program. Click here. 

To view more alumni video stories, click here.

To learn more about VetStarts, visit their homepage. CLICK HERE.
