Halftime Alum, John Leffin, was a Partner for global consulting firm, Accenture. Then, right at the peak of his success, he hit the season of halftime and began wrestling with the question, “Is this all there is?” in his desire to make a greater impact on the world.

We celebrate the work God has done in John’s life, and the lives of so many as a result of John’s second half journey. John’s work with Mission of Hope Haiti is making a powerful impact on some of the nation’s most pressing issues including disaster relief, infrastructure and strategic planning, education, clean water, and poverty.

John is just one of many halftime alumni who have engaged in a purposeful process to move from success to significance. May his story of struggle, transformation, and impact inspire and encourage you. If you resonate with his journey and there’s any way we can help you in your second half, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

John Leffin’s Halftime Struggle

“I ran hard for years…after twelve years I reached the pinnacle of my career at a young age, but I reached a point where I woke up one day and wondered “Is this all there is?” I had lost the lustre…and I think God was working in my heart to say “I have other plans””



John Leffin’s Second Half Purpose

“God used the 20+ years in consulting to prepare me for that moment to go out into the second half. And the impact…I go from changing large corporations to changing lives, and changing the nation of Haiti.” John says.



We feel blessed to be a part of this ripple affect of halftime alum who come from a place of “smoldering discontent” to purpose, joy, and impact.

If you resonate with John’s struggle and his desire for impact, make sure to check out the Fellows Program. Click here. 

To view more alumni video stories, click here.
